The Impact of the American English Learning upon Chinese College Students’ Ideology


In recent decades, many researchers have devoted themselves to the study of the impact of American ideology upon Chinese college students. However, few of researches have been made in this area in view of language attrition. This thesis mainly analyses the transfer of Chinese college students’ ideology caused by the language attrition during the process of American English learning, such as the regression of Chinese language in different degrees and the decline of self-identities in Chinese culture. The transfer of ideology is manifested in the aspects of Chinese college students’ ideas, values, self-identities, etc. This thesis also provides evidence for the current situations that Chinese college students’ ideology was transferred by the first language attrition. Language attrition is a method different from other traditional research methods, and it is a whole new point of view at a cultural level.

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Yue, X. (2012) The Impact of the American English Learning upon Chinese College Students’ Ideology. Creative Education, 3, 164-169. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.31026.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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