Evolution of Language Productions and Action Rules Extraction: Case Study of an 8th Grade Class Girls during a Handball Cycle


The aim of this study is to describe the speech act of girls facing handball play situations and then see how to construct efficient action rules. The used method is choosing a descriptive, exploratory and heuristic analysis of the discursive practices of a group of girls (8 hoursof effectivelessons, 14 girls aged 14, T =12 hours of actual practice). The study includes analyze of girl’s speech during the debate of idea’s situa-tion. On the other hand,we aim the extraction of effective action rules. The quantitative study showed that speech productions increase notably more than the evolution of action rules formulation during the cycle. The qualitative analysis showed that the decisions made by the girls guide to re-question the relationship to knowledge in the educative cycles using collective sport games. Added to that, integrating moments where students can debate and share opinions about the game is didactically interesting in order to broaden and refine their repertoire of solutions to win.

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Zghibi, M. , Gunoubi, C. , Bennour, N. , Jbeli, M. , Sahli, F. and Jabri, M. (2013) Evolution of Language Productions and Action Rules Extraction: Case Study of an 8th Grade Class Girls during a Handball Cycle. Creative Education, 4, 172-179. doi: 10.4236/ce.2013.43025.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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