Thinking about Creativity in Science Education


In this paper we discuss the notion of creativity in the contexts of science and science education. In doing so, we consider and reflect on some taken-for-granted ideas associated with school science creativity, such as inquiry science, and integrating art and science, while we search for a notion of scientific creativity that is compatible with both the nature of science and the general notion of creativity, and also realistic in the context of school science education. We then propose a number of activities/strategies that encourage creativity, and more specifically imaginative/creative thinking, through the learning of school science.

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Hadzigeorgiou, Y. , Fokialis, P. and Kabouropoulou, M. (2012) Thinking about Creativity in Science Education. Creative Education, 3, 603-611. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.35089.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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