Palynomorphs and Oribatid Mites—From the Denwa Formation, Satpura Basin, Madhya Pradesh, India
Vijaya Vijaya, Srikanta Murthy
DOI: 10.4236/ijg.2012.31022   PDF    HTML     5,506 Downloads   9,424 Views   Citations


Palynological investigation of the Denwa Formation exposed along Denwa river succession at Saptadara picnic point near village Jhirpa, Satpura Basin, Madhya Pradesh, has revealed the presence of spore-pollen, fungal remains and Oribatid mites. Here, the mites are on record for the first time. Presence of fungal remains strongly depicts the prevalence of a very humid climate with high temperature and rainfall in the region. Poor occurrence of spore-pollen restricts the age determination of the studied section; hence, its age assessment is relative. Thus, an over-view of spore-pollen along with dinocysts and insects reported earlier from the subsurface strata comprising Denwa Formation, from other two localities in the nearby area of village Anhoni, is dealt herein, and that had inferred an age—range from Carnian to Rhaetic for the palynoflora and fauna.

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V. Vijaya and S. Murthy, "Palynomorphs and Oribatid Mites—From the Denwa Formation, Satpura Basin, Madhya Pradesh, India," International Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 3 No. 1, 2012, pp. 195-205. doi: 10.4236/ijg.2012.31022.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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