Learning Assessment Questions: What Do Students Say?


Pedagogical assessment is an integral part of the learning process and skill development. Its purpose is to facilitate learning and provide information on the status of one or more skill development projects. Assessing students’ learning means evaluating the learning process and not just the outcome of that learning (Kisuku, 2023). This study aimed to analyze the questions asked by teachers to assess students. Students from two Catholic secondary schools and two public secondary schools in the commune of Lemba made this assessment. One hundred sixty students (N = 160) agreed to answer the survey questions. We composed the survey questions based on published research on assessments. The results of this study highlight several important observations that are critical to reassuring us that students are not suffering from poor assessment question compositions. Students answered the survey questions inconsistently. This indicates a lack of communication between teachers and students regarding assessment questions. Recommendations were proposed.

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Yangambi, M. (2024) Learning Assessment Questions: What Do Students Say?. Creative Education, 15, 900-931. doi: 10.4236/ce.2024.155055.

1. Introduction

1.1. Context

In the commune of Lemba, the current research project aims to find out what final-year students at two Catholic secondary schools and two public schools believe about assessment/evaluation questions. Instruction, learning, and assessment are all part of teaching. Education exists for assessment.

The definition of evaluation, according to the Etymological Dictionary of the French Language, is the process of analyzing something or data and giving it a value. It has to do with valuing and assessing. It’s an assessment of something’s worth. In general, all human endeavors involve the frequent process of evaluation, which anticipates a result based on predetermined objectives. Valuation in daily life assigns a value to an individual or an object.

1.2. Problem Statement

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) aims to successfully integrate its economy into the global economy by utilizing education as a development tool. However, without putting in place an assessment system, there can be no legitimate training. Assessment is the foundation of training in every assessment and learning process.

In the school setting, there is a constant review. The evaluation either intentionally or unintentionally guides the activity. To tailor their actions to the desired outcome, an individual, educator, or student must assess their current situation and the limitations imposed by the circumstances. The composition of assessment questions influences the performance of students. Precisely constructed questions facilitate comprehension for students. The responses provided will be based on the learner’s oral or written learning level. The questions in the assessment should be pertinent to the topics discussed in class. Since we are evaluating instruction and objectives, there must be alignment between learning objectives and evaluation (Kisuku, 2023) .

As a result, when we publish questions and tests for students, there is a lot of anxiety. Exams continue to be a major component of education in the Congo. Because of the badly posed questions, many students keep repeating classes, which raises the rate of repetition and school dropout. Some believe that their low grades on state exams have closed their opportunities for further education. Students lose out on the opportunity to gain and expand their knowledge in a particular area when they take poorly prepared quizzes and exams (Kisuku, 2023) .

Test and quiz results determine a student’s chances of academic advancement, admission to their desired university, or invitations to job interviews. Because they must perform well on these tests and quizzes, we are not shocked to see students continually sharing, cooperating, or cheating on quizzes (Kisuku, 2023) . A select group of students enjoy taking quizzes and exams because they have a competitive attitude. These kids are nearly guaranteed to earn a very high ranking and to be complimented and praised for their achievements. Unfortunately, fear is the norm for most students. Although school-based assessments are unquestionably important, their implementation is nonetheless difficult. The instructor must never lose sight of the learning objectives they established for the class, since these will serve as the foundation for the assessment.

Docimology is a separate scientific field that focuses on issues related to learning assessment in educational settings or during the teaching and learning process, according to Banza & Landheere (2004) . In this context, docimology examines the didactic reality of question creation, weighting, administration, and grade adjustment. All of this encourages educators to evaluate students objectively so that they can report on the true intellectual level that students have reached to implement exact regulations.

Overall, this study aims to investigate how students in two Catholic and two public schools in the city of LEMBA perceive the questions their professors ask them about their performance regularly or during placement tests. This suggests that students will need to evaluate the questions presented to them during tests, quizzes, and placement competitions.

1.3. Research Questions

This study’s primary focus is on the following inquiries:

1) What is the main concern of secondary school students at the final level in the LEMBA commune during the assessment?

2) What are the primary concerns with the assessment questions posed to students?

3) What deficiencies do students perceive in the assessment questions posed by their teachers?

4) How can we ensure that the assessment questions meet the specific learning requirements?

1.4. The Study’s Objective

Usually, the goal of this research is to examine how students see evaluation questions. Consequently, the following are the goals:

1) Determine the issues raised by Lemba students in the assessment survey.

2) Enumerate the primary problems with the presented evaluation questions.

3) List the significant flaws that students pointed out in the evaluation questions that their teachers gave them.

4) Make suggestions for potential fixes to guarantee that the assessment questions satisfy the demands of the pupils.

1.5. Significance of the Study

From a personal standpoint, we chose this subject because, in our impromptu talks with students, we discovered that, despite their mastery of the material, they didn’t like how the evaluation questions sounded to them. They were more likely to fail the exam because teachers would ask them challenging questions. Therefore, we were interested in learning why teachers were not adhering to the docimological criteria or the significance of the test construction process itself in terms of evaluation.

1.6. Limitations

The conclusions of this study might not apply to a population other than the one from which the sample was taken, given the limitations on accessing students for the survey and the size of the sample that was available. As a result, we decided to focus just on these four Lemba communal schools: two Catholic and two public.

1.7. Delimitations

Scientific endeavors must adhere to time and space constraints as mandated by scientific standards. We conducted this study during the 2022-2023 academic year. In terms of geography, the study focuses on the pupils of two secondary schools located in the Lemba 1 subdivision at the commune’s terminal level. The tools only included Likert-scale multiple-choice questions to guarantee efficient handling of the data gathered.

2. Literature Review

2.1. Assessment

Pedagogical evaluation refers to the methodical process of assessing the degree to which pupils have achieved educational objectives. The text refers to the Dictionary of Evaluation and Pedagogical Research (D.E.R.P.). Evaluation is a crucial component of the educational journey and the enhancement of abilities. This system’s primary goal is to facilitate learning and provide updates on the progress of one or several abilities. Evaluating students’ learning entails assessing both the learning process and its output, as stated by Kisuku (2023) .

2.2. Proficiency in Evaluating and Understanding Assessments

Assessment literacy refers to the ability of both staff and students to comprehend assessments and, with this knowledge, have greater influence over the process of teaching and learning. Price et al. (2012) state that assessment literacy encompasses a solid understanding of the following:

· The topics covered include the relationship between assessment and learning,

· Fundamental assessment principles, including reliability and validity,

· Various assessment techniques and procedures,

· Assessment criteria, standards, and policies, as well as

· The reasons and processes for providing feedback.

Moreover, the enhancement of assessment literacy can also encompass the acquisition of abilities such as peer and self-evaluation, as well as metacognition, which refers to deliberate contemplation of assessment approaches and processes.

Assessment for Educational Purposes

Any type of evaluation that specifically prioritizes and enhances student learning is known as evaluation for learning. Assessment for learning centers around providing students with chances to enhance their capacity to self-evaluate, create opinions about their performance, and make improvements. Simply put, it helps cultivate student assessment literacy. Assessment for learning utilizes genuine assessment techniques and provides students with the chance to enhance their knowledge and abilities to achieve success in university and beyond.

2.3. Assessment Importance

Evaluation plays a key role in the process of students’ acquisition of knowledge, their level of motivation to study, and the instructional methods employed by teachers. Evaluations in education enable students to gain insight into their learning and utilize it to adapt and enhance their learning by assuming greater accountability for it.

2.3.1. The significance of the Student’s Assessment

The assessment enables the teacher to verify that the student’s work aligns with the prerequisites set by both the teacher and the curriculum. It enables the assessment of the student’s performance relative to the standard. Learning assessment enables students to gain insight into their learning approach.

Assessment provides teachers with insight into students’ comprehension, allowing them to strategically plan and direct instruction while also offering valuable feedback. Evaluation is a fundamental component of the educational journey. Curricula and instruction closely connect to evaluation. Assessment is crucial in guiding instruction, helping students advance, and monitoring their achievements as teachers and students strive to meet curriculum learning outcomes.

Teachers employ diverse tactics and instruments in classroom assessment, tailoring them to suit the specific objectives and individual requirements of the pupils. Aligning teaching and evaluation with explicit learning objectives enhances student learning, according to research and empirical evidence. We tailor teaching and assessment to meet the specific requirements of the students.

2.3.2. Various Forms of Assessment

Throughout their education, students must undergo a variety of evaluations to determine whether they have achieved the objectives set by the instructors. We must emphasize that an assessment does not inevitably result in a grade. The main goal is to assist pupils in determining what knowledge they have received and what knowledge they have not yet acquired. In general, five types of evaluation align with three specific stages in the learning process:

1) Diagnostic assessment

It sits before the learning sequence, allowing you to review and improve students’ achievements and comprehension. Additionally, it enables the teacher to build their instructional curriculum.

2) Formative assessment.

It refers to the process of evaluating a student’s progress and understanding throughout a learning experience. The activity occurs within the teaching sequences and provides the student with the opportunity to rectify their errors and deficiencies. It enables the teacher to control and modify the subsequent learning sequences based on the student’s performance to assist them in achieving success.

Assessment serves as a means of measuring and evaluating the learner’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes. It allows for value estimation and helps the learner understand their abilities, successes, and areas for improvement. During the assessment, the child must develop self-awareness of their level of effort, be able to critically evaluate their performance, and be open to seeking assistance from others. On the other hand, the teacher is responsible for assisting the student and possibly adjusting to the evaluation process.

3) Assessment based on established standards.

This assessment compares and interprets the learner’s grade by referencing a norm, which is the average of the group. It determines the learner’s position to the mean. The importance of the student’s grade depends on how it compares to the average. Normative assessment uses statistical methods to categorize learners. Report cards often include the student’s grade, the group’s average, and frequently the learner’s rank.

4) Summative assessment

This refers to the assessment of a student’s learning at the end of a specific period or unit of study. It assesses the group’s knowledge acquired through ongoing assessments. It is an assessment of the total accumulation of knowledge that has been taught. At the end of a learning process, the teacher conducts an assessment to allow students to evaluate their achievement of the teacher’s objectives and establish their position in the class. This assessment serves as a conclusive evaluation for the teacher, determining the direction of the student’s progress and/or granting a certificate or diploma. Every assessment has a certain function, so it is essential to diversify the types of assessments to create a more suitable pedagogical tool that considers the needs of the student, instructor, and institution.

5) Assessment of criteria

It assesses the proficiency in the subjects covered in the courses. We assess, determine, and analyze the learner’s raw grade against a clearly defined standard, which could be a desired grade or a minimal set of objectives to meet (Kisuku, 2023) .

2.4. Key Characteristics of a Successful Assessment

2.4.1. It Must Be Legitimate

The focus should specifically be on the desired learning objectives. The assessment should include questions that accurately assess the learning objectives under pursuit. The assessment questions must guarantee both relevance and congruence with the learning objectives they aim to evaluate. This assumes that the courses have successfully achieved objectives that are pertinent to the curriculum. Additionally, the behaviors required by the assessment questions should align with the same taxonomic level as the behaviors described in the objectives they assess. Furthermore, the questions should encompass various aspects of the objective.

2.4.2. It Needs to Be Comprehensive and Regular

Therefore, the evaluation requires the use of an appropriate tool, and all students must formally link the data in a methodical sequence.

2.4.3. It Needs to Occur Often

This implies that the process should be seen as closely connected to action and the students themselves, offering partners relevant information to assist in guiding desirable actions (Kisuku, 2023) .

2.5. What Is the Definition of “Evaluation” or “Assessment”?

In common parlance, the term “evaluate” encompasses the actions of judging, predicting, estimating, appreciating, gauging, and measuring. “Evaluate” means to estimate a quantity by comparing it with a previously determined one. In education, assessment refers to the process of assessing the level of understanding and mastery of a topic, either during the learning process (formative assessment) or after the learning process is complete (summative or final assessment) (Kisuku, 2023) .

2.6. The Assessment Should Be Pragmatic

This implies that the tool must have a formative nature, ensuring accuracy, speed, efficiency, time and energy conservation, and resilience against any disruptions caused by other components of the teaching process. The response time for input, receiving a response, and gauging opinions should be somewhat short and not excessively lengthy. The request’s articulation must be unambiguous. According to Kisuku (2023) , a query is an inquiry or a request for information or knowledge about a specific issue.

2.7. Effective Inquiries Have Key Attributes

Every inquiry must be precise, comprehensible, and free from any ambiguity. The question phrasing has a significant impact on the quality of the responses received. Factors such as simplicity, specificity, uniqueness, completeness, optionality, neutrality, and balance all play a role in this impact (Kisuku, 2023) .

2.8. Qualities of the Question

The inquiry ought to be:

Precise: The expression of the question is clear and specific, eliminating any potential for uncertainty or subjective interpretation. The question presents itself as grammatically accurate, employing entire phrases, and offering a single possible answer.

Concise: Free from superfluous comments to avoid diverting the reviewer’s focus.

Clear: To ensure easy comprehension, use clear, uncomplicated language.

Adapted: Modified, tailored to the student’s level of proficiency (Kisuku, 2023) .

2.9. What Is the Proper method for Posing Questions to Students?

To facilitate improved academic performance among students, it is essential to possess the ability to:

o Please provide hints or indications.

o To gain a clearer understanding, more research is required.

o Arrange the questions in a specific order that promotes thoughtful contemplation.

o Pay close attention to the kids’ responses to formulate appropriate questions and excellent inquiries.

2.10. Interrogation Methods


Open-ended inquiries provide the interviewee with a significant amount of freedom to respond. Open-ended questions, starting with interrogative adverbs like “why”, “for whom”, and “how”, aim to elicit detailed information and defy simple “yes” or “no” responses.

Closed-ended queries

A limited set of predetermined options can answer interrogative statements. A verb or auxiliary verb initiates closed-ended queries. Essentially, the response can only be either “yes” or “no.” Closed-ended questions are valuable for directing interviews and facilitating decision-making.


Teaching is a purposeful interpersonal activity that revolves around a specific subject matter and consists of two distinct phases: an interactive phase and a non-interactive phase.


We acquire knowledge or skills through study, practice, or experience. Education is a comprehensive and multifaceted process that involves all aspects of an individual’s being to gain knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values. The term apprenticeship can be defined in multiple ways. Nevertheless, definitions that portray learning as the realization of learners’ capabilities or as the act of acquiring knowledge from the world and others exemplify a conceptualization of learning as a sequential progression.

2.11. Strategies for Employing Questions in a Highly Efficient Manner

Questions have the potential to go beyond assessing students’ knowledge. Thought-provoking, interactive, and impactful questions promote collaborative dialogue among peers and motivate students to investigate and enhance their comprehension of fundamental principles (Cornell University, 2024) .

2.11.1. What is the Purpose of Asking Questions?

o The questions can assess students’ comprehension of the content.

o Questions serve as a means of engaging with students, keeping their attention, and increasing their involvement.

o Questions can assess, reword, highlight, and/or condense significant information.

o The questions foster dialogue, innovation, and analytical reasoning.

o Questions help students retain information by allowing them to express views that may otherwise be difficult to explain.

2.11.2. Factors Must Be Considered When Creating and Using Impactful Inquiries

What is an effective question?

o Effective questions are both meaningful and comprehensible to pupils.

o Effective questions should present a challenge to students without being excessively difficult.

o You can also use closed-ended questions to gauge comprehension, such as those that offer multiple choices or elicit a binary response (yes or no).

o Open-ended questions encourage deeper contemplation and analysis of information. Engaging in group discussions allows students to get insights from diverse viewpoints.

2.11.3. Here Are a Few Instances of Questions That Are Not Effective

o The lack of clarity in instructions can lead to student uncertainty and discourage them from attempting to answer the question.

o Students may be preoccupied, leading them to speculate about your expectations instead of expressing their thoughts.

o Is comprehension of the questions universal? The majority of pupils are unlikely to respond, and if they do, their answers will merely consist of an evaluation of their comprehension.

2.11.4. Commence the Process of Formulating Questions That Are Impactful and Yield Desired Results

Identify your educational goals and ensure that your questions align with them.

Consider the specific level of learning you are aiming for, such as memorization, comprehension, application, analysis, or evaluation.

Create a variety of strategic inquiries.

The following are some illustrations:

o Instruct students to explain the cause of an event or the reason behind a certain circumstance or condition. These inquiries typically commence with “why” and are open-ended in nature.

o Instruct students to provide a rationale for their selection of a multiple-choice response and elucidate the reasons why the alternative options are erroneous.

o Instruct pupils to analyze and discern the similarities and differences between various events, cases, ideas, persons, or objects.

o Instruct students to provide a detailed explanation of a process or procedure.

o Students must use their logical reasoning to make a prediction.

Formulate the inquiry by considering the following factors:

o Does this question effectively align with and accommodate the prior knowledge that students possess?

o Does this question increase the importance of the fundamental concepts that pupils are learning?

o Will this question foster peer-to-peer discourse?

o Is the question unambiguous?

2.11.5. Integrating Proficient Inquiries into Your Course

Although the conventional method of posing a question is to address it to the entire class, it is possible that no one will offer to respond or only a handful of students will attempt to answer. There are multiple methods for incorporating questions into a course:

o Utilize the Think-Associate-Share/Write-Pair-Share technique.

o Small group conversations.

o Online discussions that are synchronized.

o These are quick, low-risk writing tasks that you can finish quickly.

Classroom polling systems enable students to respond to questions using clickers or mobile devices. The system calculates responses quickly and displays the results immediately upon receipt.

Enable pupils to generate their inquiries, such as:

o Instruct them to record any questions they may have about a specific subject or reading. Consider instructing students to submit their posts on an online forum before the class starts.

o Inquire with your neighbor about the lecture’s content or the assigned readings.

o Before the lesson ends, jot down one or two unanswered questions and submit them.

o Create inquiries to facilitate a focused and purposeful conversation within a small group setting.

o Please provide the examination questions and submit them.

2.11.6. Promote Student Participation in Class by Establishing a Supportive Atmosphere and Setting Clear Guidelines and Expectations for Answering Questions

o Allocate plenty of time for students to respond to questions. Empower pupils to autonomously regulate their time.

o Promote student participation, regardless of the accuracy of their responses. When a student is incorrect, imprecise, or ambiguous, it is advisable to counter with probing inquiries such as, “That’s intriguing. What is the basis for your assertion?” or “Could you articulate that differently?”

o Encourage kids to engage in reciprocal communication.

o Assess the relevance of a student’s response to the subject matter, or use a student’s answer to your query as a connection to a specific aspect of the topic framework to increase engagement and involvement.

o Explore other recommendations for fostering a constructive classroom environment.

2.12. Criteria for Determining a Test’s Technical Quality

2.12.1. Cognitive Complexity


Refers to the level of difficulty or intricacy involved in cognitive processes such as thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving.

The test questions will focus on appropriate cognitive engagement, including basic information retrieval and problem-solving, as well as advanced critical thinking and logical analysis.

Cognitive complexity refers to the various learning levels that are subject to assessment. An effective assessment aligns with the intended goals of education. If the instructor’s main focus is on students’ retention of factual information, the test should require a straightforward recollection of the topic. Administering a test that focuses on recall is unsuitable if the instructor aims to enhance analytical skills. Such a test may mislead students into believing that the instructor’s primary objective is memorizing (Clay, 2001) .

Review Bloom’s taxonomy.

During the 1948 meeting of the American Psychological Association, a cohort of educational psychologists concluded that it would be advantageous to categorize the many levels of comprehension that students can attain in each course.

Dr. Benjamin S. Bloom, a distinguished professor at Harvard University, oversaw the team’s 1956 publication, which documented their findings after a thorough investigation of educational objectives. Bloom’s taxonomy of educational aims categorizes intellectual understanding into six distinct levels:

Knowledge understanding application.

Analysis synthesis evaluation.

We can categorize the test questions based on these degrees of comprehension. Teachers frequently ask knowledge-related questions, approximately 80% to 90% of the time. While these inquiries may not be inherently negative, their excessive use can be detrimental. Attempt to employ a more advanced level of questioning. These problems necessitate a significant amount of intellectual capacity (Clay, 2001) .

The National Research Centre for Student Assessment, Standards, and Testing (CRESST) provided the material for this text.

Information or understanding gained through learning, study, or experience.

Demonstrate the ability to identify and remember information, such as specific dates, events, individuals, locations, terminology, definitions, factual knowledge, principles, and theories, as well as processes and procedures.

Examples of Question Frames: Who is the inventor of...? What is the definition of...? Where is the...?


Comprehend the significance of the data, which may involve restating it using one’s own words, converting it from one format to another, or analyzing, clarifying, and summarizing it.

Can you provide examples of question frameworks and rephrase them in your own words? Convert fractions to what? Give three justifications for...


Applying established guidelines, techniques, or concepts to a novel scenario involves categorizing something as a particular instance of a broader principle or employing a formula to resolve an issue.

Examples of question frames: How... Can you provide an example or illustration of...? What is the method or process? What’s the connection to...? What is the reason for that? What is the meaning of this?


Analyze a system’s structure and regularities by identifying its constituent elements and interconnections between them.

Question Template: What are the components of...? Categorize based on the schematic or illustration...


Uncover or generate novel associations, abstractions, regularities, or viewpoints; merge concepts to construct a fresh entity.

Question framing examples include: “What conclusions can you draw from...?” What other concepts can you provide? What is the procedure for creating a...?


Assess the degree to which a proposal would accomplish a specific purpose by utilizing evidence and logical reasoning, hence settling disputes or disagreements.

Here are several example question frames: “Do you agree...?” How would you determine...? How would you rank the importance of... This information is sourced from Clay (2001) .

2.12.2. Content Quality

Criteria: The test questions will enable students to showcase their comprehension of challenging and significant subjects.

We must address crucial inquiries regarding the quality of the test content. What are the precise details and requirements of the test? Which specific skills are they assessing? What is the total number of questions and areas that the assessment will cover? What is the total number of sections? Which formats will we use for testing?

If the instructor has primarily focused on the War of 1812 in most of the semester’s sessions and activities, the test should reflect this emphasis. Students may perceive an exam that encompasses a significantly broader time frame as unjust, regardless of the instructor’s notification that they are accountable for the content not covered in class. According to (Clay, 2001) , students place greater trust in the implicit values of their teachers rather than relying on their self-reported values.

To achieve a superior quality of content…

The first step in test planning is to define the specific subject matter that the test will cover. An effective approach to accomplishing this task is to allocate a small amount of time following each class session to compile a concise summary of the significant principles discussed in both the lecture and the classroom setting. We designated the reading for that specific day. Afterward, you can use these maps as a repository for test objects.

A more meticulous approach would involve constructing the exam items themselves after every lesson. Both approaches have the advantage of producing a test that is more likely to accurately depict price action (Clay, 2001) .

2.12.3. Meaning

Criteria: The test questions will have a level of significance that students will acknowledge and comprehend.

To comprehend the significance...

Teachers shouldn’t force students to guess the test’s content or ask for advice on what to focus on in their studies. Studies show that failing to meet the required standards on a test disproportionately penalizes students with lower abilities. Highly talented students seem to understand the teacher’s expectations intuitively, but if they have to guess about the areas they need to focus on, they may struggle even more profoundly.

An obvious solution to this issue is to provide pupils with precise study questions and then construct the examination based on the study queries. People sometimes criticize this practice for encouraging test-oriented learning, arguing that the use of study questions could lead to superficial comprehension. This assertion holds when there is a scarcity of study inquiries. Nevertheless, if a trainer provides inquiries regarding all the crucial concepts in an assignment, then instructing the examination is instructing the entire course.

Writing items that just require rote memorization but are challenging due to their obscurity, such as excerpts from footnotes, can be quite straightforward (Russell, 2006) .

2.12.4. Relevance in the Field of Linguistics

Criteria: The language requirements for assessment activities and students will be clearly defined and suitable.

The test questions should accurately mirror the language employed during class. The expression of test items should be straightforward and precise, free from extraneous information and unnecessary prompts. Test items must also be devoid of any racial, ethnic, or sexual prejudice. In addition to these two criteria, pupils’ language backgrounds significantly influence their test results. The utilization of rare vocabulary and non-literal language, as well as the implementation of atypical parts of speech and complicated sentence structures, can result in the formation of language barriers.

The changes made to the test for students with limited proficiency in the official language of communication, specifically French, encompass several aspects. These modifications encompass evaluating the student’s proficiency in their mother tongue, modifying the text’s vocabulary, adjusting the linguistic complexity, incorporating visual aids, providing glossaries in both the mother tongue and French, modifying the examination instructions, and introducing additional items and tasks.

The initial findings from the National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST) indicate that in the math and science sections, 67% of the items contained general vocabulary that was considered uncommon or used in an atypical manner. Furthermore, 33% of the cases evaluated the syntactic structures as complex or atypical in their construction. Reading comprehension: Like the previous statement on vocabulary and sentence structure, 50% of the items included specific criteria at the level of discourse. The results of applying language evaluation criteria to standardized content test items (CRESST, in Clay, 2001 ) were as follows.

2.12.5. Transfer

Criteria: Achieving a passing score on the test will enable the formulation of accurate generalizations regarding success.

Offering additional perspectives not captured by typical assessments, presentations, scenarios, projects, and portfolios enhance the evaluation process. Authentic and performance assessments allow teachers to establish meaningful generalizations more easily about success. These generalizations may pertain to decisions on instructional placement, formative assessment, and diagnostics. Well-constructed tests, whether objective or performance-oriented, provide teachers with valuable insights into future teaching strategies. Teachers can observe students learning in real-time and adjust the curriculum as necessary.

To mitigate the dissatisfaction of high-achieving students, avoid presenting options like “all of the above,” “none of the above,” and “both a and b.” Although theoretically valid, well-prepared candidates generally dislike these options. For instance, a student’s proficiency in various subjects enables them to effectively present ideas that the teacher may perceive as incorrect.

True and false questions are particularly problematic in this context. Frequently, the veracity of a standalone assertion is rather dubious! The interpretation, and definition of a critical term, or context determine everything (Clay, 2001) .

2.12.6. Equity

Criteria: We will assess student performance without favoring elements unrelated to academic progress. The grading systems will be uniformly equitable.

Here are some fundamental principles of fairness: Test questions should align with the objectives of the unit. Students must receive explicit communication about the expectations. Each test item should present a well-defined task. One question should not assist in answering another question. Before administering the examination, establish the distribution of points and allow ample time for completion.

Constructive grading necessitates that the instructor provide comments (written and/or spoken) that assist students in recognizing their achievements and areas where they fell short throughout the examination. This feedback may consist of the following: Positive comments following a test or assignment that demonstrate admiration for the student’s efforts, commendation for the student’s achievements, and recommendations for improving performance.

Five hundred high school and postsecondary students participated in a survey in the United States to provide suggestions on how a teacher might fairly and accurately assess students’ work (Clay, 2001) .

The ten highest-ranking responses are listed below:

o We recommend evaluating students’ performance solely on their understanding of the subject, without considering their perceived effort or personality.

o Avoid excessively prioritizing grades. Direct your attention towards acquiring knowledge rather than solely pursuing high marks.

o Throughout the term, make sure to regularly update students on their progress.

o Include state grading regulations and processes in the syllabus, and discuss them with the class during orientation.

o It is advisable to refrain from making alterations to policy while the contract is in effect.

o Provide a diverse array of assessment options. This will prevent superfluous stress and permit occasional errors.

o Provide the option of selecting a specific format or topic when giving tasks.

o Make sure to meticulously document your notes. Whenever feasible, record numerical notes instead of alphabetical notes.

o Please contemplate the possibility of permitting paper revisions. If a significant number of individuals achieve unsatisfactory results on an examination, it is advisable to arrange a supplementary examination for the subsequent week to assess the class again (Clay, 2001) .

2.12.7. Dependability

Criteria: Students’ responses to examination inquiries will consistently demonstrate a high level of reliability in accurately reflecting their knowledge.

The goal of testing is to encourage the acquisition of knowledge and skills. Components of an effective test are not readily discernible without adequate preparation. It is possible to create several types of exam questions that are difficult to predict and necessitate the student’s comprehension of the fundamental factual content.

People often dislike multiple-choice questions because they resemble multiple-guess questions. To address this issue, one possible answer is to construct multiple-choice questions in a manner that favors students who possess a solid understanding of the topic or subject, increasing their likelihood of selecting the correct option. Conversely, students with limited expertise on the matter would be more inclined to choose an incorrect alternative.

Studies on reliability have shown that the level of precision in the writing partially influences the evaluation of an essay. This method appears to be an inadequate approach for evaluating a student’s performance. Nevertheless, if pupils are required to complete the test using a word processor, it becomes challenging to guarantee the authenticity of their work. Research has also shown that the length of the essays influences the scores on essay tests. If a student persists in rambling, there is an increased likelihood of addressing certain specific points that the teacher is seeking. Should we, however, encourage the use of excessive wordiness?

However, essays and short response tests possess numerous merits. Students need to engage in exercises that include constructing persuasive arguments, articulating thoughts with precision, and incorporating concepts seamlessly. Everyone agrees that not all tests should consist of multiple-choice questions. Nevertheless, in numerous scenarios, a well-constructed objective test is more equitable and efficient for teachers compared to a short-answer essay or test. One method to guarantee dependability is to distribute information to your students is one way to ensure dependability (Clay, 2001) .

2.13. Recommendations for Crafting Essay Examination Questions

Common Phrases for Constructing Essay Test Questions:

o Agreement or disagreement: The learner is required to confirm and bolster a thesis with substantiating evidence.

o Analyze: To analyze means to systematically examine and break down a complex entity or concept into its constituent parts to understand its structure, components, and relationships.

o Classification and division include the process of categorizing items based on a consistent premise.

o Comparison involves highlighting similarities between two or more things, whereas contrast focuses on emphasizing the differences between them.

o Cause and effect refer to the relationship between two events or phenomena, where one is the cause and the other is the effect, describing the resulting conclusion.

o Three essential components make up the concept “consists”: a term, a class, and differentiating qualities.

o Define and exemplify: Instruct students to not only provide a definition of the phrase but also to offer an illustrative example.

o Describe: This task necessitates that students provide a comprehensive explanation of a certain subject or concept.

o Topic: Insufficiently specific, likely to result in imprecise, overly broad, and unsupported answers.

o Illustrate: Provide specific instances or comparisons to demonstrate a particular process or idea, or the sequential stages involved.

o An abstract is a summary or overview of a process, discourse, game, notion, etc. (Clay, 2001) .

3. Methodology

3.1. Introduction

The goal of this study was to examine the questions posed by educators to evaluate students. Students in the highest grades from two Catholic secondary schools and two public secondary schools in the municipality of Lemba conducted this evaluation. Four issues were analyzed:

1) Throughout the assessment, what is the primary source of concern for Lemba pupils?

2) What are the main concerns they have with the evaluation questions they’re receiving?

3) What deficiencies do students perceive in the assessment questions posed by their teachers?

4) How can we customize assessment questions to meet each student’s unique learning needs?

3.2. Research Design

This study used a quantitative research approach to analyze data from a specially designed questionnaire for this topic (see Appendix). The surveys gather data through two fundamental techniques: interviews and questionnaires, each with two alternatives for implementation: remote or in-person. The methodology offers four distinct methods for gathering data, which encompass personal interviews, telephone interviews, mail-in surveys, and personally administered questionnaires (Creswell & Guetterman, 2018) . We opted for the personally administered questionnaire because of its consistently high response rate, typically reaching one hundred percent. Additional benefits of this approach include its affordability and the researcher’s availability to offer support and address any inquiries from participants. We conducted this survey with a group of participants gathered at a specific location for a specific purpose (Creswell & Guetterman, 2018) . In this study, which examined the questions given by teachers to evaluate pupils, the direct approach yielded the highest participation percentage among the four techniques.

We employ quantitative analysis to provide a detailed and accurate description and prediction of phenomena, as well as to validate and verify hypotheses through experimentation. The system provides well-known variables, universally recognized principles, and a consistent structure, making it generally impartial and unaffected by the surrounding context. Typically, this involves gathering a substantial amount of data using established techniques and then analyzing it through logical reasoning. We objectively analyzed the results using quantitative measures like figures, statistics, and summative data (Borg & Gall, 2014; Leedy & Ormrod, 2019) .

3.3. Sample

The target demographic consisted of students in the last year of two Catholic secondary schools and two public secondary schools located in the commune of Lemba. The researcher used convenience sampling, a non-probability selection method, to choose the available population based on the research’s interests. The researcher chose to utilize data from a sample of 160 participants (N = 160) who willingly consented to take part in the study. The researcher employed the convenience sample method to overcome the limited access to schools and the limited availability and cooperation of pupils.

3.4. Instrumentation

This study used the questionnaire (Appendix) as its data collection strategy, and it underwent validation before use (Borg & Gall, 2014) . We intentionally crafted the questionnaire to ensure students could comprehend it and respond appropriately. Additionally, we specifically designed the questionnaire to accurately evaluate students by capturing the impacts of the posed inquiries. Five students who were not involved in the study conducted a pilot test of the questionnaire. The purpose of this was to guarantee that the survey achieved a degree of understanding and clarity that was suitable for the participants.

We developed this questionnaire based on extensive research to determine the accuracy and reliability of the questions posed to students throughout their examinations. The first section addressed the students’ apprehensions during the assessment. The second section concentrated on the students’ primary concerns about the assessment questions they received. The third section discussed the deficiencies that students observed in the assessment questions provided by their teachers. Lastly, the fourth section explored potential measures to ensure that the assessment questions align with the learning requirements. The questionnaire employed a Likert scale to gather data that would be valuable for assessing the study inquiries. The Likert-type scores (ranging from 1 to 5) provided insights into the relative significance of each component for every study question.

3.5. Data Collection

The researcher initiated communication with the administrators of Catholic and public high schools in the Lemba district and disseminated the survey questionnaires (see Appendix). We conducted the research in two Catholic secondary schools and two public schools. Participants who voluntarily chose to participate contributed to the sample size of 160. We distributed the questionnaire to student volunteers in a classroom between 12 p.m. and 3 p.m. after the class concluded. The school administration permitted us to use two rooms per school. We provided direct supervision for the kids and addressed any clarifying questions they had. We requested the participants to provide their responses voluntarily and anonymously. The questionnaire responses yielded data that addressed all the research inquiries.

3.6. Data Analysis

The goal of this study was to examine the interrogations posed by educators to evaluate students. Students from two Catholic secondary schools and two public secondary schools in the commune of Lemba in the City of Kinshasa conducted this evaluation. To address the research inquiries, we distributed a survey to the participants (see Appendix). We gathered information from all participants in the study. We computed descriptive statistics, like the mean and standard deviation, for the survey items. We gathered information to address the research inquiries. We performed calculations to determine the means and standard deviations for each item of each study question. We have categorized the data collected to answer the initial study inquiry, “What specific concerns do Lemba students have during the assessment?” We analyzed the data using means and standard deviations. We arranged the survey question averages in descending order.

To address study question number two, which focuses on the primary concerns people have about the evaluation questions they receive, we analyzed the data using means and standard deviations. We arranged the survey question averages in descending order. To address study question three, which pertains to identifying the deficiencies that students see in the assessment questions posed by their teachers, we analyzed the data using means and standard deviations. We arranged the mean values for each survey question in descending order. To address research question number four, which pertains to the process of aligning assessment questions with learning needs, we analyzed the data using means and standard deviations. We arranged the survey question averages in descending order.

3.7. Limitations

The study utilized the existing scientific knowledge regarding the accuracy of the questions posed to students during their evaluations. There is a scarcity of research studies that address this problem. We deemed the data from a Likert-scale assessment valuable but found it challenging to interpret replies that fell in the middle range. It is important to consider that the pupils comprehended the survey questions completely.

4. Analysis, Results, and Findings

4.1. Overview

This study sought to investigate how the senior students at Lemba evaluated the questions posed to students for their assessments. The questionnaire sent to participants underwent testing by multiple students who were not involved in this study tested the questionnaire sent to participants. The researchers conducted a test on the questionnaire to evaluate the understanding, clarity, and accuracy of the content in this study. This chapter provides a detailed examination of the data gathered from a questionnaire that was given to 160 students attending four secondary schools in the commune of Lemba in Kinshasa. 80 of these students come from Catholic schools, while the other 80 come from public schools. We gathered data to address the research inquiries listed below. Throughout the assessment, what is the primary source of concern for Lemba students? What are the main concerns they have with the evaluation questions they’re receiving? What deficiencies do students perceive in the assessment questions posed by their teachers? How can we tailor evaluation questions to meet the unique learning needs of each individual? We analyzed the collected data from the questionnaire using descriptive statistics, specifically means and standard deviations.

4.2. Analysis and Results

The researcher categorized the outcomes into four distinct groups that are directly relevant to the research inquiries. Because there was a shortage of statistical software, the researcher resorted to performing manual calculations using a website like easycalculation.com to generate the data for the subsequent studies. We used descriptive statistics, specifically means and standard deviation, to arrange the data needed to address the study inquiries. Using the Likert scale, the students at the surveyed schools provided their responses to the research questions.

4.2.1. First Research Question

What is the main concern of secondary school students at the final level in the LEMBA commune during the assessment?

Using the Likert scale, which ranges from 1 to 5 (where 1 indicates strong disagreement and 5 indicates strong agreement), the surveyed students responded to the initial study question about their concerns about testing. The responses to items 1 to 5 addressed the first research topic. We computed the means and standard deviations for each item. We assessed the level of consistency or inconsistency among the respondents using the mean and standard deviations for items 1 to 5.

Table 1 displays the descriptive statistics for the questioned items, organized by the ranked means and standard deviations for propositions that answer questions 1 to 5.

The statistics in the table above indicate that students show consistency only for the first question (#1) but inconsistency for questions #2, #3, #4, and #5. However, the mean values for these questions are greater than 3, and the standard deviation is greater than 1.

Table 1. Parochial schools. During the assessment, what specifically worries Lemba students?

Table 2. Public Schools. During the assessment, what specifically worries Lemba students?

The responses to these inquiries indicate that pupils do not approach the tests with a serious attitude and solely aim to achieve favorable grades. Therefore, their primary worries revolve around achieving high academic performance and progressing through different levels of education, rather than focusing on evaluating the extent of their knowledge acquisition.

The statistics in the table above indicate that students do not exhibit consistency with any of the surveyed statements. However, their means are over 3, and their standard deviation is more than 1. The responses to these inquiries indicate that students do not engage in examinations to evaluate their acquisition of knowledge. Both the Catholic and public student groups exhibit a lack of interest in using tests as a means to evaluate their learning; instead, their primary goal is simply to pass their classes. However, their responses lack consistency.

4.2.2. Second Research Question

What are the primary concerns with the assessment questions posed to students?

Using a Likert scale ranging from 1 to 5 (where 1 represents extreme disagreement and 5 represents strong agreement), the polled students responded to the second research question on the validity of the questions posed. The responses to items 1 to 5 addressed the second research question. We computed the means and standard deviations for each item. We used the mean and standard deviations for items 1 to 5 to evaluate the consistency or inconsistency among the respondents. Table 3 displays the descriptive statistics for the surveyed items, organized by ranking means and standard deviations, corresponding to propositions that answer questions 1 to 5.

Except for statement number 1, the remaining assertions exhibit significantly high standard deviations. This indicates that students are not adhering consistently to the assertions they have made. Regarding claim number 1, students demonstrate high averages and a high level of consistency in their evaluations. They recognize that the test questions aim to assess their understanding.

The kids who were questioned provided inconsistent responses to all of the

Table 3. Catholic Schools. The validity of the inquiries posed.

Table 4. Public Schools. The validity of the inquiries posed.

questions. The reported averages are rather low and exhibit significant variability. These statements have averages somewhat below 4.00, but with standard deviations higher than 1.

4.2.3. Third Research Question

What deficiencies do students perceive in the assessment questions posed by their teachers?

The respondents answered the third study question addressing the formulation of test questions using the Likert scale, which ranged from 1 to 5 (with 1 indicating strong disagreement and 5 indicating strong agreement). The statements in points 1 to 5 responded to the third research inquiry. We computed the means and standard deviations for each item. We assessed the level of consistency or inconsistency among the respondents using the mean and standard deviation values for questions 1 to 5. Table 5 displays the descriptive statistics for the surveyed claims, organized by ranking means and standard deviations

Table 5. Catholic schools. What deficiencies do students perceive in the assessment questions posed by their teachers?

Table 6. Public Schools. What deficiencies do students perceive in the assessment questions posed by their teachers?

based on the propositions that answer questions 1 to 5.

Within this rubric, students consistently provided feedback on claims 5 (mean = 4.72 and standard deviation = 0.45), 3 (mean = 4.60 and standard deviation = 0.76), and 4 (mean = 4.22 and standard deviation = 0.42). Regarding assumption number 5, students report feeling compelled to cheat when they encounter intricate and convoluted questions to evade failure. Nowadays, the focus has shifted from acquiring knowledge to safeguarding oneself from potential failure. They replied with unwavering consistency. Regarding assertion number 3, pupils express that their lecturers fail to pose concise and comprehensible questions. Furthermore, their responses exhibit a high degree of consistency. Regarding argument number 4, students express that their teachers fail to pose precise questions that necessitate comprehension of the ideas.

According to this assessment, pupils display inconsistency in all five assertions they have submitted. This demonstrates that students are a highly diverse bunch.

4.2.4. Fourth Research Question

How can we ensure that the assessment questions meet the specific learning requirements?

Using the Likert scale, which ranges from 1 (strongly disagreed) to 5 (strongly agreed), the surveyed students responded to the fourth study question about assessment questions and learning needs. The responses to items 1 to 5 addressed the fourth research question. We computed the means and standard deviations for each item. We assessed the level of consistency or inconsistency among the respondents using the descending means and standard deviations for items 1 to 5. Table 7 displays the descriptive statistics for the surveyed items, organized by ranking means and standard deviations, in response to questions 1 to 5.

Within this rubric, students consistently responded solely for numbers 5 (mean = 4.57 and standard deviation = 0.74), number 3 (mean = 2.74 and standard deviation = 0.74), and number 4 (mean = 4.37 and standard deviation = 0.49). Regarding assertion number 5, students express that the questions posed are frequently genuine and establish a link between theory and practical application, reflecting real-life situations. Moreover, they exhibit a high level of consistency. Regarding argument number 3, the students argue that the questions posed necessitate the acquisition of diverse and intricate knowledge, as well as the synthesis of several concepts to provide a solution. Moreover, they exhibit a high level of consistency. Statement Number 4 shares the same perspective as Statement Number 3. However, statement number 4 presents the situation distinctly. The kids responded regularly. The first two statements, numbers 1 and 2, yield such contrasting results that they do not necessitate thorough scientific contemplation.

In this rubric, students provided conflicting responses to all of the presented statements. This suggests that the assessment questions do not truly pertain to the

Table 7. Catholic Schools. How can we ensure that the assessment questions meet the specific learning requirements?

Table 8. Public Schools. How can we ensure that the assessment questions meet the specific learning requirements?

process of acquiring knowledge. They have responded to these claims in a variety of ways. This does not provide a precise and scientifically valid indication.

4.3. Findings

The questionnaire results provided sufficient data to address all four research topics. The table labeled as Table 1 et al. displayed above offers a comprehensive summary of the concerns that were examined. We evaluated the following responses to give an overview of the issues.

4.3.1. Analysis and Explanations of Research Question 1’s Findings

Table 1. Catholic Schools: The survey questions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (Appendix) exhibited statistically significant results by reducing the mean value. The values range from 4.40 to 3.40, while the standard deviations vary from 0.92 to 1.66. This suggests that the students’ responses were inconsistent, except for statement number 1, which had a standard deviation of 0.92. The absence of coherence undermines the research’s final inference.

Table 2. Public Schools: Survey questions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (Appendix) exhibited statistically significant results by reducing the mean value. The values range from 3.88 to 2.90, and the standard deviations vary from 1.40 to 1.69. This suggests that the students’ responses were highly inconsistent, and their learning abilities varied greatly. The absence of coherence undermines the research’s final determination.

4.3.2. Analysis and Explanations of Research Question 2’s Findings

Table 3. Catholic Schools: Survey questions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (Appendix) demonstrated statistically significant results by reducing the average value. The values vary from 4.15 to 2.25, with the standard deviations ranging from 0.94 to 1.56. This suggests that the students’ responses were inconsistent, except for statement number 1, which had a standard deviation of 0.94. The absence of coherence undermines the research’s final determination.

Table 4. Public Schools: The survey questions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (Appendix) exhibited statistically significant findings by reducing the average value. The values range from 3.72 to 2.57, with standard deviations ranging from 1.17 to 1.05. This suggests that the students did not display consistency in any of their responses. The absence of coherence undermines the research’s final inference.

4.3.3. Analysis and Explanations of Research Question 3’s Findings

Table 5. Catholic Schools: The survey questions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (Appendix) exhibited statistically significant results by reducing the mean value. The values vary from 4.72 to 2.77, and the standard deviations range from 0.45 to 1.27. These findings suggest that students consistently agree with claims 5, 3, and 4, but disagree with assertions 1 and 2. The absence of coherence undermines the research’s final inference.

Table 6. Public Schools: Survey questions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (Appendix) exhibited statistically significant results by reducing the mean value. The values vary from 3.40 to 2.67, with the standard deviations ranging from 1.34 to 1.75. This suggests that the students did not display consistency in any of their responses. The absence of coherence undermines the research’s final determination.

4.3.4. Analysis and Explanations of Research Question 4’s Findings

Table 7. Catholic Schools: The survey questions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (Appendix) exhibited statistically significant findings by reducing the average value. The values range from 4.67 to 2.62, with standard deviations ranging from 0.47 to 1.23. These findings suggest that students consistently agree with claims 5, 3, and 4, but disagree with assertions 1 and 2. The absence of coherence undermines the research’s final determination.

Table 8. Public Schools: The survey questions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (Appendix) exhibited statistically significant results by reducing the mean value. The values range from 3.17 to 2.80, with standard deviations ranging from 1.66 to 1.36. This suggests that the students’ answers lacked consistency. The absence of coherence undermines the research’s final determination.

5. Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations

5.1. Overview

The way teachers construct their questions can greatly influence the effectiveness of assessing student learning. When it comes to teaching, teachers should prioritize the task of formulating questions to evaluate students. This study is essential for teachers to evaluate student learning in a pedagogically appropriate manner. Among other crucial educational considerations, we should consider student assessment as a significant factor. Chapter Two of this study highlighted the importance of carefully crafting questions for student evaluation. Doing so is crucial for both ensuring the accuracy of learning outcomes and reducing any potential bias in the assessment process. This chapter represents the pinnacle of our findings and discussions throughout the investigation. This section serves to reiterate the problem and research questions, as well as provide an overview of the primary methodology employed in the study. This chapter provides a concise overview and examines the findings.

5.2. Problem Statement

This research intends to evaluate the significance of the composition of learning assessment questions. The task at hand is to determine, via surveys, whether a strategic arrangement of exam questions could enhance the learning evaluation.

5.3. Analysis and Discussion

The results of this study emphasize numerous significant discoveries that are critical in reassuring us that students are not experiencing any negative effects due to poorly constructed evaluation questions.

5.3.1. Regarding the Initial Research Question

The five statements given for the examination are crucial in terms of students’ apprehensions about testing. Students, regardless of their religious affiliation or the type of school they attend, tend to produce variable results. Regarding assertion number 1, Catholic students concur with a mean of 4.40 and a standard deviation of 0.92. Through analysis and comparison of the replies from Catholic and public school students, it is evident that Catholic students consistently support claim number 1 (I take the examinations to earn good grades), as mentioned before, whereas public school students show inconsistent endorsement of this assertion.

5.3.2. About the Second Research Question

We have determined that the five statements presented are crucial in terms of ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the questions posed. Through the analysis and comparison of comments from Catholic and public school kids, it is evident that both groups generally agree with these assumptions, albeit in a divergent manner. However, Catholic school students agree with assumption number 1, asserting that test questions serve to assess their learning, demonstrating a greater degree of consistency than their public school counterparts.

5.3.3. Concerning the Third Research Question

We consider these five assertions to be crucial in terms of the phrasing of the test questions. When examining and contrasting the reactions of students in Catholic schools and public schools to these statements, these two groups of students generally distinctly concur with them. Some students in Catholic schools do agree with all four statements: assertion number 5 (most of the questions on tests are too vague and can lead to vague, general, and unsupported answers); assertion number 3 (most of the questions on tests are too vague and can lead to answers that aren’t specific or well-thought-out); and assertion number 4 (most of the questions on tests require a thorough understanding).

5.3.4. For the Fourth Research Question

We have identified five claims that are crucial in terms of assessment questions and learning requirements. When examining and contrasting the reactions of students in Catholic schools and public schools to these statements, these two groups of students generally distinctly concur with them. Still, Catholic school students are more likely to agree with claims 5 (most of the questions are real, meaning they are useful and apply what students have learned to real-life situations), 3 (most of the test questions require students to state and support a thesis with evidence), and 4 (most of the test questions make a connection between mastery of the subject and real-life situations).

5.4. Summary

5.4.1. The Following Statements Support the First Research Question

What is LEMBA students’ primary concern? Throughout the evaluation? (Claims #4, #3, and #2).

All the students questioned reacted inconsistently, with high averages for the three major statements, 2, 3, and 4. These results are challenging to analyze. These findings indicate that students frequently fail to adhere to these assumptions. The replies to statements 1 and 5 indicate that the polled students prioritize achieving high marks over evaluating their learning. This student’s focus undermines the fundamental nature of education. Teachers and students should be diligent in their pursuit of the educational objective, which is to impart knowledge to pupils and for students to take pride in acquiring it.

5.4.2. Statements Supporting the Second Research Question

What are the primary concerns they have with the evaluation questions posed to them? (Claims #1, 3, 4, and 5).

Regarding the four main statements, namely 1, 3, 4, and 5, both groups of students displayed inconsistent responses with relatively high average scores. These results were challenging to assess. These findings indicate that students frequently fail to adhere to these assumptions. Nevertheless, the responses to statement number 2 confirm that the questioned students’ concerns primarily revolve around the clarity of the questions and their alignment with the given materials.

5.4.3. The Statements Regarding the Third Research Question

What deficiencies do students perceive in the evaluation prompts provided by their instructors? (Statements #1, 3, and 4).

Regarding claims 1, 3, and 4, most questioned students displayed inconsistent responses with above-average scores. These results were challenging to assess. These findings indicate that students frequently fail to adhere to these assumptions. The responses to statements 2 and 3 suggest that teachers demonstrated proficiency in posing questions that necessitate the recall and replication of information rather than demonstrating comprehension of the given subjects.

5.4.4. This Section Presents the Statements Made about the Fourth Research Question

How can we guarantee that assessment questions align with the specific learning requirements? (Claims #1, 2, and 4).

Regarding the three main statements, specifically numbers 1, 2, and 4, the majority of the surveyed students displayed inconsistent responses with quite high averages. These results were challenging to assess. These findings indicate that students frequently fail to adhere to these assumptions. Nevertheless, claims 4 and 5 validate the fact that teachers fail to implement the genuine essence of authentic teaching and learning.

Out of the twenty statements examined, Catholic school students provided consistent answers for eight of them, whereas public school students were inconsistent in all of them. It is reasonable to infer that children in Catholic schools are more homogeneous compared to those in public schools. It is a well-established fact that Catholic schools do not provide free entry, unlike public institutions. Catholic schools require students to complete rigorous entrance examinations. Students cannot complete these tasks in public schools.

Education research is a continuous endeavor that aims to uncover new insights to improve the quality of education. To effectively lead schools in the 21st century, school leaders and individuals focused on enhancing teaching and learning need to establish a record of their expertise, serving as enduring mentors for teachers and catalysts for students. They must possess the competence to uphold their teachers’ professional standards, particularly when it comes to new teaching technologies and practices.

5.5. Recommendation

Effective leadership and highly competent teaching staff, supported through ongoing professional development, are essential for bringing about a long-lasting transformation in education and enhancing student evaluations, performance, and accomplishments (Guskey, 2000) . To ensure effective student assessments, teachers must be cognizant of students’ perspectives on writing assessment questions. This awareness will enable teachers to improve their teaching practices in the future. It is important to note that teaching is a noble career, like many other professions. Homogeneous courses facilitate the implementation of teaching advancements along with 21st-century educational guidelines, making it less demanding for teachers. Authentic teaching and assessments are essential components of the 21st century and future learning. All educators should be highly recommended to apply these effective instructional methodologies.


Research Questionnaire


For each question, circle the number that roughly indicates the expression of your accreditation. (From the least approved number 1—strongly disagree, at number 5, the most agreeable—totally agree).

A. Students’ concerns about testing.

1. I take the tests to get good grades.

1 2 3 4 5

2. I take the tests to assess my learning.

1 2 3 4 5

3. Passing the tests allows me to make valid generalizations about my progress.

1 2 3 4 5

4. My answers to the test questions will always be considered representative of what I have learned.

1 2 3 4 5

5. Je passe les tests pour passer les classes.

1 2 3 4 5

B. The validity of the questions asked.

1. The questions asked during the tests are intended to assess my learning.

1 2 3 4 5

2. Most of the questions asked don’t make sense in the assessment of my learning.

1 2 3 4 5

3. The questions focus on appropriate intellectual activities, ranging from simple fact-finding to complex problem-solving.

1 2 3 4 5

4. Most of the questions asked range from critical thinking activities to complex reasoning.

1 2 3 4 5

5. The test questions allow me to demonstrate or apply my knowledge on difficult and important topics.

1 2 3 4 5

C. Formulation of the test questions.

1. The language used in the tests is clear and appropriate.

1 2 3 4 5

2. Most of the questions asked during the tests are unintelligible.

1 2 3 4 5

3. Most of the questions asked in the tests are too vague and can elicit vague, overgeneralized, and unsubstantiated answers.

1 2 3 4 5

4. Most of the questions asked during the tests require a comprehensive understanding of the concepts.

1 2 3 4 5

5. Most of the questions asked call for cheating because they are complex in reasoning.

1 2 3 4 5

D. Assessment Questions and Learning Needs.

1. The test questions were worth my attention, and I recognize and understand their value—the time allotted is appropriate for the difficulties.

1 2 3 4 5

2. My performance is measured in such a way that it does not give an advantage to factors irrelevant to academic learning.

1 2 3 4 5

3. Most test questions require asserting and supporting a thesis with evidence.

1 2 3 4 5

4. Most of the questions in the tests establish a link between mastery of the subject matter and real-life situations (practicability).

1 2 3 4 5

5. Most of the questions asked are genuine, i.e. practical, relating the acquired knowledge to real-life situations. 1 2 3 4 5

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


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