FEM-BEM Coupling for the MHD Pipe Flow in an Exterior Region
S. Han Aydin
FEM-BEM Coupling; SUPG; MHD Pipe Flow
Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics,
Vol.3 No.3,
In this study, the magnetohydrodynamic
(MHD) flow through a circular pipe under the influence of a transverse mag- netic field when the outside medium is also
electrically conducting is solved numerically by using FEM-BEM coupling
approach. The coupled partial differential equations defined for the interior
medium are transformed into homogenous modified Helmholtz equations. For the
exterior medium on an infinite region, the
Laplace equation is considered for the exterior magnetic field. Unknowns in the
equations are also related with the corresponding Dirichlet and Neumann type
coupled boundary conditions. Unknown values of the magnetic field on the
boundary and for the exterior region are obtained by using BEM, and the unknown
velocity and magnetic field inside the pipe are obtained by using SUPG type
stabilized FEM. Computations are carried for very high values of magnetic
Reynolds numbers Rm1, Reynolds number Re and magnetic pressure Rh of the fluid. The results show that using stabilized method enables us to get stable and accurate numerical
approximations consistent with the physical configuration of the problem over
rough mesh which also results a cheap computational cost.