Fungi associated with wheat seed discolouration and abnormalities in in-vitro study
Neha Pathak, Razia. K. Zaidi
Wheat; Seed-Borne Fungi; Incidence; Discolouration; Wrinkled Seeds
Agricultural Sciences,
Vol.4 No.9,
The main aim of
present study is to ascertain the fungal species and their effect on
germination associated with wheat seeds. Seeds of three varieties WH896,
PBW-373 and HD264 of wheat (Triticum
aestivum) were collected from
Quarsi Agriculture Farm Aligarh. These three seed samples of wheat showing
different forms of discouloration and abnormalities were screened for
associated fungi. Microscopic examination of wheat seeds reveals that seeds of
all the varieties of wheat possess injuries to varying extent. Detailed
examination of the seeds has shown that the seeds can be classified on the
basis of extent of injury in the three categories viz., seeds having minor
cracks, cracks without exposed embryo and cracks with exposed embryo. Seed
soaking and washing techniques were also employed. Fusarium moniliforme and Alternaria
alternata were isolated from all the categories of seed tested. Floating
mycelial bits and conidia of Alternaria, Fusarium, Drechslera, Curvularia
lunata, Mucor were found in all
the three varieties of wheat. The seeds were subjected to visual observation
and examination under stereoscopic microscope. These findings are to study and
detect the phytopathogenic mycoflora which causes damage and loss to our seeds
and crops.