Spatial variation of coda wave attenuation using aftershocks of the Al Hoceima earthquake of 24 February, 2004, Morocco
Abderrahim Boulanouar, Lahcen El Moudnib, Mimoun Harnafi, Taj-Eddine Cherkaoui, Abdelaali Rahmouni, Mohamed Boukalouch, Jamal Sebbani
Attenuation; Coda Waves; Single Backscattering Model; Al Hoceima; Morocco; Seismic; Earthquake
Natural Science,
Vol.5 No.8A,
On 24th February 2004 a significant earthquake (Md = 6.4) occurred in the north of Moroccocausing great damage in the vicinity of Al Hoceima region. This area is characterized by a complex faulting system as a result of compressional tectonic forces. Three short period seismic stations are set in this area of interest and recordings from these stations were used in this study. In order to complete our knowledge of attenuation, 60 local earthquakes are recorded a few days after the great earthquake with magnitude Ml 2.6 - 5.0 to estimate seismic attenuation. For this purpose, we applied the single backscattering model of Aki & Chouet 1975 inthe frequency range for 1 to 8 Hz. The study of coda waves was limited to a relatively short lapse time (20 Seconds) in order to sample the earth’s crust only. The values of Qc estimated for all the three stations show a strong frequency dependent relationship of the form Qc = Q0fn, where Q0 is Qc at 1 Hz , and n represents the degree of frequency dependence, and reflects the level of crustal heterogeneities to varying degrees. The average frequency dependent attenuation relationship has been obtained which indicates that the attenuation is high in this region. Finally to conclude our work, the values of Q0 suggest that Al Hoceima area is highly heterogeneous and the n parameter indicates a meaning frequency dependence of Qc.