Anthropozoic impact on the floristic biodiversity in the area of Beni Saf (Algeria)
Sidi Mohammed Merioua, Abdelhakim Seladji, Noury Benabadji
Biodiversity; Geographical Information System; Factorial Analysis of Correspondences; Anthro-pozoïc Impact; Beni Saf (Algeria)
Open Journal of Ecology,
Vol.3 No.3,
degradation of the natural resources in Algeria nowadays remains a major
constraint for the agrosilvopastoral development. Indeed, the area of Beni Saf
is confronted with many problems such as the anthropozoic pressure which does
not make it possible to keep balance between the exploitation of the natural
resources and their regenerations in time and space. Following the example
results obtained through a floristic study by the factorial analysis of correspondences
(F A C), concerning the identification of anthropozoogenes species such as: Chamaerops humilis, Asphodelus microcarpus, Withania frutescens, Calycotome spinosa, Asparagus albus; furthermore, the calculation
of the disturbance index which marks the rate of therophytisation which is
about 68%, that one finds it very high.
These indices show a disturbance and an imbalance of the plant formation
of the zone of study, caused by the high anthropozoogene pressure. Vis-a-vis
this threat, it is essential to propose a possibility of intervention for a durable
management of these spaces.