Properties of Broadband Non-Linear Lossy Materials Employed in the Electromagnetic Inverse Scattering during the Microchip Processing
Eytan Barouch, Stephen L. Knodle, Steven A. Orszag
Scattering; Inverse Scattering; Silicon-Material-Properties; Material Electric Permittivity
Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Material Science,
Vol.3 No.3A,
ABSTRACT: A method has been designed and implemented to describe the optical properties of lossy materials as a continuous functions of a finite wave length spectrum, needed in analysis of the Maxwell-Material equations. Measurements of the index of refraction (N) and the absorption coefficient (K) over a limited spectral range are used as input data. The (complex) permittivity function is then represented as a sum of five types of terms: a plasma term, a conductivity term, several Debye poles, several symmetric Lorentz poles as well as several asymmetric extended Lorentz (“XLorentz”) poles. All these terms are particular solutions of the Lifshitz integral equation describing the dispersion relation of a mono-chromatic electromagnetic wave. This representation facilitates the numerical solution of broadband direct and the inverse scattering of electromagnetic waves for thin film stacks and composite physical structures, in particular those now employed by the microchip industry.