Effect of Electrical Defloration in Liquid and Solid Crystals
Valentin. A. Tsvetkov
LC; Carrier; Volumetric Charge; Ferroelectric Solid Crystal
Journal of Crystallization Process and Technology,
Vol.3 No.3,
ABSTRACT: Earlier we observed a movement of the front of ions in the bulk of an ordered LC sample across which the driven voltage was applied [1]. This movement looked as waving zigzag curvatures in the pattern of interference strips. It was shown that behind the movable front of ions, the LC volume was getting charged. The author has found out that, in his pioneer experiments made in 1974, he observed the similar electrooptical phenomena on a single crystal of niobate-strontium-barium (NBS). Just after applying driving voltage (in a crossed electrical field crystal sample geometry) a system of curved interference strips is arising, which is evolving for the time period of about ten minutes at the driven voltage being kept constant. The evolution of the interference stripes pattern near positive, negative electrodes and in middle part of sample occurs in some different ways. At the end of evolution the system of strips disappears and the sample becomes practically homogeneous. The described process can be observed only once at the first applying of the driving voltage. This process is caused by redistribution of charges frozen at the crystallization and which are having an opportunity of the recombination at the first applying of the driving voltage. The obtained results are discussed with the possible applying the given experimental technique for solid and LCs parameters studying.