Prevalence of arrhythmias in heavy vehicle drivers
Levent Özdemir, Okan Onur Turgut, Ferhan Candan, Seher Arslan
Arrhythmia; Supra-Ventricular Ectopy; Ventricular Ectopy; Drivers; Prevalence
World Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases,
Vol.3 No.1,
Objective: In our study we aimed to determine the frequency of
arrhythmias that we believe may affect driving safety. Methods and Results: Two
hundred drivers were randomly selected from the heavy vehicle driver population
(82 bus and 118 truck drivers, p = 0.08, q = 0.92, N = 1200, α = 0.01,
d = 0.045). A questionnaire was completed via face to face interviews with
the individuals including questions about their personal socio-demographic
characteristics and symptoms for arrhythmias. An electrocardiography (ECG) was
taken of the study participants using the Cardioline Delta 3 Plus Digital ECG
machine. The cardiologist at the clinic evaluated the questionnaire and ECG for
presence of arrhythmias. When indicated, ambulatory electrocardiography
(Holter Monitoring) was performed for 24 hours in 133 individuals (71 driver
and 62 control). In cases that had Holter
examination; ventricular ectopy was identified in 25.4% and 22.6%, and supra-ventricular
ectopy in 45.1% and 35.5% in the driver and the control groups; respectively.
Ventricular tachycardia was detected in 2 patients. Arrhythmia frequencies were
59.1%, 54.8% and 57.1% in drivers, control and both groups respectively.
Statistical differences between drivers and control group for rhythm disorders
were not detected. Conclusions: Arrhythmias with lethal and devastating
potential; need to be diagnosed and treated in professional drivers with
extreme caution. The follow up and screening for heart diseases has a crucial
role in preventing accidents and occupational diseases in drivers.