A Routing Strategy with Link Disruption Tolerance for Multilayered Satellite Networks
Gang Zheng, Yanxin Guo
Satellite Networks, Routing, Link Disruption Tolerance
International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences,
Vol.3 No.11,
ABSTRACT: Link disruption has a considerable impact on routing in multilayered satellite networks, which includes predictable disruption from the periodic satellite motion and unpredictable disruption from communication faults. Based on the analysis on the predictability of satellite links, a link disruption routing strategy is proposed for multilayered satellite networks, where, a topology period is divided into non-uniform slots, and a routing table in each slot is calculated by the topology predictability of satellite networks, and a congestion control mechanism is proposed to ensure the reliable transmission of packets, and a flooding mechanism is given to deal with the routes selection in the case of unpredictable link disruption. This routing strategy is implemented on the satellite network simulation platform, the simulation results show that the strategy has less delay and higher link utilization, and can meet the routing requirements of multilayered satellite networks.