Energy Consumption Monitoring Analysis for Residential, Educational and Public Buildings
Allan Hani, Teet-Andrus Koiv
Specific Energy Consumption; Thermal Energy; Electrical Energy; Residential Buildings; Educational Buildings; Office Buildings
Smart Grid and Renewable Energy,
Vol.3 No.3,
ABSTRACT: In the present article thermal and electrical energy consumptions for different types of buildings are analyzed. The latitude and longitude of the researched area are defined 59?00'N and 26?00'E. According to K?ppen climate classification the area is located in warm summer continental climate. The study consist 40 residential, 7 educational and 44 public buildings. Three years data for each building type among 2006-2011 was used. Several detailed energy balances are presented for apartment buildings. In addition the different ways of domestic hot water preparation are analyzed for apartment buildings. The school buildings average consumption values are represented in study. Also valuable information of measured electrical energy consumption balance for a new office building is presented. Finally there is included the energy consumption analysis of public buildings.