Fundamental Environmental and Landscape Forming Influence of Close Grass Cenosis on the Moisture Circulation
Alexander Y. Rakov
Condensation; Transpiration; Fundamental Consequences
Open Journal of Forestry,
Vol.2 No.3,
ABSTRACT: The condensation of transpiration and advective water fallows (further—the phenomenon) under the close grass cenosis can be compared to the quantity of precipitation. The phenomenon depends on physical and meteorological features of the closed grass cover. For instance, close grass cover halts a large part of solar radiation at the daytime. Effective emanation and turbulent exchange cool the soil to a dew point and lower. The phenomenon forms another landscape. There are also a number of other fundamental consequences of the phenomenon. Thus, biologolisation of farming and forestry: Growing of forests and agrocenosis with grasses (present-day weeds) that may serve as activators for forests and grasses; Cultivated plants selection, allelopathically compatible to some definite weeds; as a result of such a selection weeds may be found and transformed into activators. To fight against drought, desertification the importance of the phenomenon is obvious. Flooding in the Western Europe may be connected with the named phenomenon as this resource in connection with climate change is, probably, growing.