Performance Simulation of H-TDS Unit of Fajr Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Using a Combination of Neural Network and Principal Component Analysis
Hamed Hasanlou, Naser Mehrdadi, Mohammad Taghi Jafarzadeh, Hamidreza Hasanlou
Simulation; Artificial Neural Network; PCA; Fajr Industrial Waste Water Treatment Plant; High TDS Unit
Journal of Water Resource and Protection,
Vol.4 No.5,
ABSTRACT: Nowadays, with regard to environmental issues, proper operation of wastewater treatment plants is of particular importance that in the case of inappropriate utilization, they will cause serious problems. Processes that exist in environmental systems and environmental engineers are dealing with them mostly have two major characteristics: they are dependent on many variables; and there are complex relationships between its components which make them very difficult to analyze. Being familiar with characteristics of industrial town effluents from various wastewater treatment units, which have high qualitative and quantitative variations and more uncertainties compared to urban wastewaters, plays very effective role in governing them. In order to achieve a better and efficient control over the operation of an industrial wastewater treatment plant, powerful mathematical tool can be used that is based on recorded data from some basic parameters of wastewater during a period of treatment plant operation. In this study, the multilayer perceptron (MLP) feed forward neural network with a hidden layer and stop training method was used to predict quality parameters of the industrial effluent. Data of this study are related to the Fajr Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant located in Mahshahr—Iran that qualitative and quantitative characteristics of its units were used for training, calibration and evaluation of the neural model. Also, Principal Component Analysis technique was applied to modify and improve performance of generated models of neural networks. The results of this model showed good accuracy of the model in estimating qualitative pro- file of wastewater. This model facilitates evaluating the performance of each treatment plant units through comparing the results of prediction model with the standard amount of output.