Design of Hybrid Fuzzy Neural Network for Function Approximation
Amit Mishra, Zaheeruddin Zaheeruddin
Cardinality, Classifier, Function Approximation, Fuzzy Neural System, Mutual Subsethood
Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications,
Vol.2 No.2,
ABSTRACT: In this paper, a hybrid Fuzzy Neural Network (FNN) system for function approximation is presented. The proposed FNN can handle numeric and fuzzy inputs simultaneously. The numeric inputs are fuzzified by input nodes upon presentation to the network while the Fuzzy rule based knowledge is translated directly into network architecture. The connections between input to hidden nodes represent rule antecedents and hidden to output nodes represent rule consequents. All the connections are represented by Gaussian fuzzy sets. The method of activation spread in the network is based on a fuzzy mutual subsethood measure. Rule (hidden) node activations are computed as a fuzzy inner product. For a given numeric o fuzzy input, numeric outputs are computed using volume based defuzzification. A supervised learning procedure based on gradient descent is employed to train the network. The model has been tested on two different approximation problems: sine-cosine function approximation and Narazaki-Ralescu function and shows its natural capability of inference, function approximation, and classification.