Generalized Soft Expert Set and Its Applications
Xuefang Liu
Soft Set, Soft Expert Set, Generalized Soft Expert Set, Expert Matrix
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics,
Vol.11 No.8,
ABSTRACT: The expert set theory performs an important part in making decisions. It can successfully convey the opinions of every expert since it includes several experts. In this study, generalizations and soft expert sets are combined. First, the generalized soft expert set notion is presented, then follows the definition of operation approaches and characteristics as the complement, union, intersection, AND and OR. The application of the generalized soft expert set concept to decision issues is then presented with an example. The study also introduces the idea of a generalized soft expert matrix and demonstrates how it may be used to solve decision-making issues. The most striking aspect of this paper is to present the concepts of generalized soft expert sets and generalized soft expert matrices and to apply them to the same decision-making scenario.