Measures for Pedestrian Safety Management in Major Transport Corridors: The Case of Kinondoni in Dar es Salaam
Paulo Kitosi
Pedestrian Safety, Safety Management, BRT Corridor, Built Environments
Open Access Library Journal,
Vol.10 No.5,
ABSTRACT: In developing countries, pedestrians form a large group of road users in many urban centers. Every journey begins with a single step. This research aims to explore the pedestrian safety management measures in place within the Kinondoni Municipality and major transport corridors like the BRT corridors. The study on pedestrian safety management in Kinondoni applied triangulation techniques to ensure the validity and reliability of the collected data. Different methods of data collection were used to collect data and also different sources of data were used to get the data needed to answer the research questions. Both primary and secondary data collection methods were employed in the process of data collection. The results indicate that different measures have been applied such as Sidewalks, Pedestrian Zebra crossings, Segregated pedestrian routes, Pedestrian bridges, Traffic calming, Speed humps, Low-speed limits and Pedestrian barriers. The paper concludes that despite measures taken by authorities to enhance pedestrian safety along and within the BRT routes, there are still challenges that endanger the safety of pedestrians.