Theoretical Explanation of m = E/c2
Ali Mohamad Khalife
Special Relativity, Particle Physics, Coulomb’s Law, Pair Production and Annihilation, Infinite Mass, Constancy of the Speed of Light, Einstein’s Correction
Open Journal of Microphysics,
Vol.12 No.2,
ABSTRACT: The aim of this theory is to study and explain the phenomena that have been predicted by Einstein in the year 1905 which affirms that the mass of a body increases with velocity; the mass of a body increases when it travels at high speed. In classical physics, it gains in the energy of motion. In relativity that kinetic energy makes itself felt as additional mass. As the object reaches the speed of light, theoretically, its mass becomes “infinite”. Nevertheless, the concept of “infinite mass” is still a subject we know little about. In the following paper, I will be focusing on how and why such phenomena take place. Furthermore, we shall discuss antimatter. Antimatter is now known to shower down from the sky above us, and when a particle meets its antiparticle, both of them disappear in a burst of radiant energy, exactly in accordance with E = mc2 .