The Quantum Redshift Effect of Photon
Zhenglong Xu
Hamiltonian Operator, Perturbation Theory, Hubble Redshift, Cosmological Redshift, Quantum Redshift Effect, Hubble Constant
Journal of Modern Physics,
Vol.12 No.14,
ABSTRACT: By applying the relevant contents of time-dependent perturbation theory in present quantum mechanics, this paper operates the Hamiltonian operator on the existing steady-state wave function of the hydrogen atoms, creates the formula of the average energy loss per collision of a single photon with a neutral hydrogen atom. Then, by operating the Hamiltonian operator on the wave function of a helium atom, the expression of photon energy loss is extended to each bound electron in the neutral atoms of the general element. Applying theoretical derivation, it concludes that the photon’s energy, momentum, and frequency decrease with distance in an exponential attenuation law, or the wavelength increases with distance in an exponential growth law during the propagation in intergalactic space, the photons collide with neutral atoms in the medium. Compared with Hubble redshift law, we discover that these laws conform to the so-called Hubble redshift or cosmological redshift in form and quantity. Therefore, this paper reveals a new physical mechanism—the quantum redshift effect of the photon in astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology, thus challenging Hubble’s law and the Big Bang theory.