Valorizing the Museum Education through Organizing and Doing Exhibitions for Students in Context of Interaction between Museum-Family-Community-Educational Institution
Tatiana Filipski
Museum, Museum Education, Museum Exhibition, Values, Museum Exhibit, Museum Heritage
Creative Education,
Vol.12 No.11,
ABSTRACT: The article represents a theoretical study that reflects some conceptual aspects and emphasizes some visions of the research about organizing and displaying of museal exhibition,whichfocused on school-museum-family-community collaboration. In this study are represented the conditions, components, principles, and other aspects of organizing and showing of museum exhibitions,whichfocused on the museum education built in the context of school-museum-family-community collaboration.In the study are reflected the necessary conditions for organizing and conducting the museum exhibition, basic components of museum exhibition design, main types of organising and exposing a modern museum exhibition, the museum exhibitions are classified by the type of museum patrimony available. Also, are emphasized:The communicative properties of the museum artefact and principles of grouping of museum objects that constitute the museum exhibition, as well as their correlation to the criteria of learning classification; the rules of driving the perception of information as promoted by the adepts of Gestalt Theory; the pedagogic condition of conducting the education in the museum facilities. Meanwhile,are presented the applicative didactical forms and methods for conducting the activities within the Institutional Project “Creation of education partnership in promoting the museum national and universal heritage from the perspective of pupil’s and student’s museum education”, including a piece of our research with the subjects of the same project, conclusions, and recommendations.As a result of our research, we find that the museum institution in interoperability with school-family-community partnership offers theoretical and practical solutions for educating a harmoniously developed personality via knowledge of its authentic values, and the activity of museum education in our country hasto be developed in the educational institutions as well as in the museums, involving the parents and the community.