Improvement of Mongolian Height System Using a Satellite Technology
Sodnom Enkhtuya, Damdinsuren Amarsaikhan
Height System, Astronomy Geodetic Control Network (AGCN), High Accuracy Geodetic Network (HAGN), State Geodetic Network (SGN)
Open Journal of Applied Sciences,
Vol.10 No.4,
recent years, development of a proper country-specific height system has become
a major challenge for the scholars and specialists working in the field of
geodesy. The National Geodetic Services of many countries are trying to
establish a new system that can provide the customers and decision-makers with
high accuracy basic geodetic data obtained by modern satellite measurements.
Although, Mongolia has a long tradition with geodesy and land surveying, the
country still lacks a refined height system that can be effectively used for
mapping and other purposes. In the present study, we tried to solve the problem related to the Mongolian height system using of a modern satellite technology. The research had some very important
results: 1)
evaluation of the main height network and
height system of Mongolia, 2) development of a new method for calculating the normal height system in Mongolia, and 3) creation of the height unified system by
considering surface potential of the global ellipsoidal level as normal.