Unusual Foreign Bodies of Surgical Discovery on a Traumatic Spine
Habib Abdoul Karim Ouiminga, Julien T. Savadogo, Denléwendé Sylvain Zabsonré, Anatole Jean Innocent Ouedraogo, Diane Ndzana, Mengyou Li, Désiré Harouna Sankara, Magatte Gaye
Textiloma, Foreign Body, Spine, Traumatism, Surgery
World Journal of Neuroscience,
Vol.10 No.1,
ABSTRACT: Introduction: Para-spinal non-metallic foreign bodies (fabrics or plastics) are rare and poorly documented. They are often unknown and discovered at the stage of infectious complications and present big therapeutic challenges. We report a rare case of three para-spinal foreign bodies (fabric, plastic and postoperative gauze) discovered during surgery of a traumatic thoracic spine. Case report: A 32-year-old man admitted for a polytrauma (collision motorcycle-cart). The admission examination noted closed trauma of the thoracic spine, an ASIA score of A, dyspnea, a penetrating wound of the left side of the chest. The CT scan showed a compressive left pleural effusion, multiple ribs fractures, pulmonary contusion, unstable fracture of fifth and sixth thoracic vertebrae associated with posterior epidural hematoma responsible for medullar compression. There was a rounded, para-spinal image, dotted with small areas of low density, air bubbles. We lifted the vital emergency by draining the left pleural effusion, debriding the penetrating chest wound, and administering broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy. Fourteen days later, we decided to stabilize the spine. After a posterior approach, we discovered free pus and para-vertebral three foreign bodies. Enterobacter spp.was isolated in pus susceptible to imipenem. The immediate operative follow-up was simple. Conclusion: The best treatment remains preventive by simple measures, exploration of penetrating wounds, repeated count and careful verification of gauze, because the infectious complications that they generate are source of mortality and serious medico-legal implications.