Oriented to Practice and Engineering Training Mechanism for Computer Major Students
Zhijian Qu, Panjing Li, Xiaohong Liu
Computer Education, Ability Training, Teaching Method Reform, Training Mode
Creative Education,
Vol.10 No.13,
ABSTRACT: Practice and engineering ability training is very important for
university students who major in computer science and technology. We proposed a
practice and engineering training mechanism for computer major students. Firstly,
the teaching mode which emphasizes both theory and practice for the professional foundation curriculum
system was reformed. The programming, data structure, discrete mathematics and
object-oriented programming are taught in the laboratory and evaluated through
our online judging system. Secondly, the training subjects of core curriculum
system were well designed and an engineering practice ability training mechanism
based on enterprise training and open laboratories training was also presented.
To cultivate the engineering practice
ability, the open lab in university provides lots of projects for students and the cooperative
enterprise also gives enough chances in their senior year. At last, a
professional competence-driven
innovation ability training mechanism was introduced. To further excite the
innovation ability and practical ability, we choose some excellent students to
participate in subject competitions, such as ACM International College Student Programming Competition (ACM-ICPC) and
Chinese College Student Programming Competition (CCPC) and so on.