Generational Differences in Motivation at Work in Slovakian Small and Medium Sized Companies
Peter Karácsony
Generations, Management, Motivation, Organization, Slovakia
Open Journal of Social Sciences,
Vol.7 No.3,
Society’s aging trend will have an impact on the labor market. Today, more than 50% of the labor market is made up of members of Generation X and the Baby Boomer generation. According to some estimates, the number of young people on the labor market will continue to decline. This trend will lead to an increase in demand for young workers, and companies will be competing for them. For this reason, it is crucial for companies to develop a good motivational strategy. The differences between generations are growing, so more and more gaps can be observed between older and younger employees. For companies, it is challenging to create a working environment that can equally meet the needs of different generations. The purpose of my study was to understand and explain the differences in motivational tools used in the workplace between the generations in small and medium sized companies in Slovakia. In my study, I will investigate which motivational tools most influence the generations in the workplace. In my opinion, this will help managers to decide to motivate the different generations to work more effectively.