New Current Mode Lossy Integrator Employing CDDITA
Kuldeep Panwar, Dinesh Prasad, Mayank Srivastava, Zainab Haseeb
Current Differencing Differential Input Transconductance Amplifier, Lossy Integrator, Electronic Tunability, Grounded Capacitor
Circuits and Systems,
Vol.9 No.8,
ABSTRACT: This work presents a novel current-mode (CM) lossless integrator that uses one current differencing differential input transconductance amplifier (CDDITA) and one grounded capacitor. The configuration based on single active element has several advantages from the aspect of monolithic integration, few are: reduced power consumption, chip miniaturization. Employment of grounded capacitor is also beneficial for monolithic integration. Specifying some of the key features of integrator proposed are: 1) purely resistorless, 2) electronically tunable, 3) current output available at the port having high impedance, and 4) excellent performance under non-ideal conditions. So, a resister-less current mode lossy integrator with electronic control employing single CDDITA has been proposed in this paper. The verification of workability of the proposed current mode integrator is well explained by the help of SPICE simulations using TSMC CMOS 0.18 μm technology node.