Leaders as Distinction Generators
Wiley W. Souba, Matthew H. Souba
Leadership Insights, Leadership Challenges, Linguistic Distinctions, Framing, Context, New Possibilities, Seeing in a Different Light
Open Journal of Leadership,
Vol.7 No.2,
ABSTRACT: In this article, we describe and illustrate, by way of examples, an important, though often underappreciated, role of leaders: a distinction generator. In the context of leadership, the idea of a distinction is to be understood as something someone says (spoken) or does that uncovers (discloses) for others a way of “seeing” an issue or a challenge that was previously imperceptible or unavailable. Distinctions, which are linguistic in nature, are crucial communication vehicles because they can evoke new ways of sense-making, thereby motivating others to change the way in which they talk, behave, and work together. In doing so, distinctions, by virtue of enabling us to see things in another light, become framing lenses (contexts) from and through which we live our lives differently. Distinctions, which are especially powerful during times of change and uncertainty, need not be grandiose inspirational elocutions; in fact, most are little “d” distinctions but this in no way lessens their potential for opening up and making available a new prospects for being and acting. In this sense, everyone, whether they have titular authority or not, can, simply by what they say, inspire others to put their best foot forward.