Pongamia as a Source of Biodiesel in India
Gaurav Dwivedi, Siddharth Jain, Mahendra Pal Sharma
Pongamia, Biodiesel, Viscosity, Density, Flashpoint
Smart Grid and Renewable Energy,
Vol.2 No.3,
ABSTRACT: Pongamia Pinnata trees are normally planted along the highways, roads, canals to stop soil erosion. Billions of trees exist all over India. If the seeds fallen along road side are collected, and oil is extracted at village level expellers, few million tons of oil will be available for Lighting the Lamps in rural area. It is the best substitute for Kerosene. Since these are spread over a large area, collection of seeds for Biodiesel manufacture is not viable. (A compact plantation can support a Biodiesel plant. The seedlings of Pongamia can survive in 1.5 meters deep water submergence / inunda-tion for five to six months duration at a stretch. There are nearly 30,000 square km of water reservoirs in India. This tree can be cultivated in our water storage reservoirs up to 1.5 meters depth and reap additional economic value from unused reservoir lands. The estimated annual production of oil from its seeds is about 50,000 t. The oil has not yet found any significant commercial application. But due to increase in awareness and growth in research in this area the Pongamia it can be developed as the alternative source of fuel by replacing diesel. In the present study attempt has been made to study the scope of Pongamia in India.