The Implications of the Sun’s Dragging Effect on Gravitational Experiments
Jose L. Parra
Spinning Black Holes, Kerr’s Metric, General Relativity, Torsion Measurements, Gravitational Constant G, Precession
International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics,
Vol.7 No.3,
ABSTRACT: Experimental determinations of Newton’s gravitational constant, Big G, have increased, in number and precision, during the last 30 years. There is, however, a persistent discrepancy between various authors. After examining some literature proposing that the differences in Big G might be a function of the length of the day along the years, this paper proposes an alternative hypothesis in which the periodicity of said variation is a function of the relative periodicity of the Sun-Earth distance. The hypothesis introduced here becomes a direct application of the Kerr Metric that describes a massive rotating star. The Kerr solution for the equations of the General Theory of Relativity of Albert Einstein fits well with this relative periodicity and adequately predicts the arrangement of the ex-perimental G values reported by sixteen different laboratories. Also, the author explains how the Sun disturbs gravity on the surface of the Earth.