Isolating a Minimum Radius of the Universe Consistent with the Production of at Least 1 Unit of Entropy, at the Start of Inflation
Andrew Walcott Beckwith
Causal Barrier, Inflaton, Mininum Entropy (Non Zero), Initial Radii (of Universe)
Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology,
Vol.3 No.3,
ABSTRACT: We begin by examining a general expression of entropy, and its links to a minimum radius of the universe. We derive an expression for the production of at least 1 unit of entropy, which translates to a value of Planck length in radii to 1000 times Planck radii, for the quantum bubble of space-time which depends upon, of all things, the initial Hubble expansion rate value. If the Hubble parameter has the value of 10^19 GeV, we see a minimum radial length of the Universe of about 1 billion times Planck length. If the Hubble parameter is of 10^19 GeV, the minimum radial length of the universe would be about one Planck length, which is surprising to put it mildly. The higher the initial temperate is, up to a point, the more likely the initial entropy is closer to the Causal barrier mentioned in an earlier publication by the author.