The Integrated Model Using Agile Practices to CBR
Fizza Khalid, Irfan Ahmed
Agile, Case Based Reasoning, Rule Based Reasoning, Integrated Software Engineering Process, Software Engineering Practices
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications,
Vol.10 No.5,
ABSTRACT: Agile development methodology works as a bridge, creating a composite control that changes the way of software development tasks. In this study, we have introduced a framework, integrated with artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, agile software development and its practice. The skilled developer is useful for implementing the method according to the reaction of the evaluation framework. The idea of agile and CBR procedure used to improve the current model. This model provides a comprehensive guide to the use of Agile development practices to be integrated with CBR for software development. Agile development methods used by CBR and RBR provide a more efficient and accurate working scenario. Case based reasoning is just the domain limited number of cases, while rules based reasoning is the technique of the generic and specific rules of the issue. Experts give feedback about the framework and they are satisfied with the functioning of the framework. The framework and its results were evaluated by the domain experts and case studies.