Development of Mathematics Motivation across the Transition from Elementary to Junior High School in Japan
Mayumi Oie, Tsutomu Fujii
Mathematics Motivation, Mastery Goal, Performance Goal, Task Value, Mathematics Anxiety, School Transition, Explanatory Factor Analysis
Vol.8 No.2,
ABSTRACT: This study explored motivation in mathematics across the transition from elementary to junior high school in Japan. The purpose of this study was to develop and assess the modified version of the Mathematics Motivation Scale (MMS) on a Japanese sample to measure the development of MMS longitudinally. The modified MMS measures four subscales: mastery goal, task value, mathematics anxiety, and performance goal. 1519 (Time 1) pupils and students from the fifth to ninth graders, 1238 (Time 2) in eight elementary schools and students in six junior high schools in Tokyo participated in self-reported questionnaire investigation longitudinally. Confirmatory factor analyses revealed the four-factor structure: mastery goal, task value, mathematics anxiety, and performance goal as Oie and Fujie (2007a, 2007b) revealed. The modified MMS exhibited good overall internal consistencies and satisfactory test-retest reliability over three to four months period. The validity of the modified MMS was further demonstrated through inter-correlations between its subscales.