An Exploratory Study on the Electronic Word of Mouth Communication in Promoting Brands in the Online Platforms
B. N. Malar Selvi, J. Edwin Thomson
Word of Mouth, Integrated Marketing Communication, Customer Relationship
Intelligent Information Management,
Vol.8 No.5,
ABSTRACT: This study discusses on the communication
method followed by most of the brands called. “Electronic Word of Mouth” in a
short form is called as eWOM in order to reach the customers effectively in a
short span. Social media having become a new hybrid component of integrated
marketing communication allows the brands to establish strong relationship with
the customers. With the establishment of customer relationship online, the
brands create a platform for the customers to discuss about the product
features, quality, price and write a review about the product online. This
research analyses about the social media and its impact in spreading the
messages about the brands to the end customers and the impact of gender, age
groups, income, designation and the demographic details of the customers in
trusting the information that is spread through electronic media and the level
at which the eWOM helps the customers to select the brand.