Saving Environment Using Internet of Things: Challenges and the Possibilities
Praneet Sah
Arduino Based Projects, Embedded Devices, Internet of Things Home Area Network, Relay, Smart Homes
Advances in Internet of Things,
Vol.6 No.4,
term Internet of Things (IoT) emerged in the early 2000s but actually gained momentum
only in the past few years, however we still do not get to see them in our
daily life. It has generally been avoided by the mainstream market due to its “cryptic” nature which requires technical knowledge prior to its use. Lack of strong
business model (by companies) and inability to adapt to new rapid changes (by
consumers) are the two primary factors contributing to the fact that IoT is
well ahead of its times but it need no longer be. In this paper, I’ve created a setup for smart home that allows the
users to control their electrical appliances from internet and even makes the
appliances smart enough to react to the environmental conditions on their own.
Using this setup, I observed the pattern in which electricity consumption and
carbon footprints reduced as compared to the conventional setup i.e. without IoT. Analyzing this data
provided me a solid proof that IoT definitely helps us to save electricity and
environment. Since IoT is beneficial for all, I, then focused on the challenges
that are hampering the penetration of IoT into the daily lives of consumers and
how the consumer is overlooking the benefits that it has to offer, which even
includes a primary concern for many, i.e.
saving money. This paper is overall aimed to change the way a consumer thinks about IoT and to provide a
solid ground to how it is beneficial.