Deployment of Effective Testing Methodology in Automotive Software Development
P. Sivakumar, B. Vinod, R. S. Sandhya Devi, R. Divya
Model Advisor, Model-Based Testing, Reactis, Simulink Design Verifier
Circuits and Systems,
Vol.7 No.9,
ABSTRACT: Software development in
automotive industry has bestowed greater comforts and conveniences to mankind.
A remarkable progress in this field often faces a setback due to minor defects
in the software. So there is recurring need for standardization and
implementation of testing strategies. But the process of creation of test
scripts to check if the software created complies with its specifications and requirements
is both time- and resource-consuming. Generating a short but effective test
suite usually requires a lot of manual work and expert knowledge. Patronizing
research work in this field is the need of the hour. This paper solves the
problem by using Model-Based Testing where test harness and evaluation are
performed economically through automation. Simulink Design Verifier and Reactis
are the tools used to carry out this purpose in Adaptive Front Light System.
The resulting outputs obtained from Simulink Design Verifier and Reactis using
Model-Based Testing prove that short test suites can be generated for the model
where full model coverage can be achieved easily through automation. The
outputs of these test cases when compared with the expected outputs confirm
that the model developed is working as per the requirements.