A Study of Relationship between Arabic and Yoruba Languages
Kamil Adeleke Adeyemi
Arabic, Yoruba, Language, Semitic, Race
Open Journal of Modern Linguistics,
Vol.6 No.3,
ABSTRACT: This study examined the relationship between Arabic and Yoruba languages. An attempt is made to trace the history of the Yoruba as a race and the influence that Arabic language has on Yoruba language. This influence is observed in the pronunciation of some Yoruba words traceable to Arabic with the same meaning. These facts, if well proved will go a long way in lending credence to the historical belief that the Yoruba race originated from the Arab. To elucidate this, traces of Arabic words in Yoruba language are noted. Similarity in pronunciation of some letters in both languages, comparison in construction of words between them and similarity in the use of some words in both languages are analysed with the views of some Arabic scholars. Conclusion is then drawn to show the impact of Arabic on Yoruba Language.