Trusted-CDS Based Intrusion Detection System in Wireless Sensor Network (TC-IDS)
Amin Mohajer, Mohammad Hasan Hajimobini, Abbas Mirzaei, Ehsan Noori
Secure CDS, Wireless Sensor Network, Trust, Intrusion Detection System
Open Access Library Journal,
Vol.1 No.7,
ABSTRACT: Security mechanism is a fundamental requirement of wireless networks in general and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) in particular. The Intrusion Detection System (IDS) has become a critical component of wireless sensor networks security strategy. There are several architectures for embedding IDS in WSN. Due to Energy Limitation, in this paper we use a distributed architecture which activates intrusion detection system for limited number of nodes. For this purpose we select a secure set of nodes called secure Connected Dominating Set (CDS). In this paper first, we propose a heuristic for selecting CDS based on weighing factor which uses the trust value. Trust is based on reputation and reputation refers to the opinion of one node about another node. Hence only well behaving and good quality nodes are selected as a dominant node for CDS construction. Then we activate IDS on these selected node set. In our proposed work the task of all dominating nodes is to discover any attack and threat that can affect the normal behavior of sensor nodes by analyzing actual status of a node, packet sent and received by node and measurement made to the environment. The simulation results show that our TC-IDS model have high packet delivery ratio, high throughput and low delay than existing IDS Schemes such as Lightweight IDS.