Bell’s Palsy “Laqwa”: Survey Based Study
Safila Naveed, Hafiza Nimal Tasleem
Bell’s Palsy, Knowledge, Sign Symptoms and Treatment
Open Access Library Journal,
Vol.1 No.4,
ABSTRACT: Bell’s palsy is an acute disorder of the
facial nerve in which full or partial loss of the movement on one side of face
occurs. The Bell’s palsy gets better without treatment in most, but not all,
people. Swelling or inflammation of this nerve can also cause Bell’s palsy.
Physical therapies exercise, massage, laser, electrotherapy and thermotherapy
used to hasten recovery. Many people who have a Bell’s palsy at first think
that they have a stroke. Bell’s palsy is very different to a stroke and full
recovery occurs in most cases. People are not aware about this disease
therefore we have conduct survey regarding Bell’s palsy, their sign symptoms
and treatment in students of pharmacy, science and arts faculties. It is
observed that out of 120 students’ only 61.67% students have known about Bell’s
palsy. Only 26.67% know the causes, 46.67% know the sings & symptoms on
behave of animals & only 33.3% have some knowledge about treatments based
mostly on home remedies. It is concluded that the knowledge of Bell’s palsy in students
is not enough to dial uncertain mishap pining of the disease & the must
aware to the disease to treat other more better otherwise they will not cover
fully to this disease.