Importance of Life Cycle Analysis of the Printed Circuit Board Computer
Miguel Aguilar Cortes, Martha L. Domínguez Patiño, Nadia Lara Ruíz, Luz E. Marín Vaca
Analysis of Cycle of Life, Environmental Impact, Electrical and Electronic Equipment, End of Life, Printed Circuit Card
Open Journal of Applied Sciences,
Vol.6 No.1,
ABSTRACT: It is estimated that there is a generation of 307,224 ton/year [1] of waste from electronic and electronic equipment (WEEE) in Mexico, of which 10% is recycled, 40% remains stored and 50% reaches landfills or uncontrolled dumps. In the practice, even the regulatory instruments are not consolidated and the adequate management of the use of WEEE management, so the aim of this study is an analysis of life cycle of printed circuit boards (TCI) to identify the management alternatives that represent the least impact to the environment. This assessment was carried out using software SIMAPRO to determine the environmental impact of each scenario, through the comparison of impacts and the proposed improvements to reduce it, following phases of this methodology by applying standards, ISO 14040/ISO 14044 [2], using data from the INE official reports since 2006 until 2010 which concentrate the information of the WEEE problem in Mexico. These data were pooled to carry out inventories according to the availability in the information, identifying the environmental impacts generated by processing. The conclusions of the LCA will serve to identify the stage with greater environmental impact, and thus propose ideas for improvement in order to minimize this impact.