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Bowes, K.F., Clark, I.P., Cole, J.M., Gourlay, M., Griffin, A.M.E., Mahon, M.F., Ooi, L., Parker, A.W., Raithby, P.R., Sparkes, H.A. and Towrie, M. (2005) A New Polymorph of Terpyridine: Variable Temperature X-Ray Diffraction Studies and Solid State Photophysical Properties. CrystEngComm, 7, 269-275.
has been cited by the following article:
Experimental Evidence of Reversible Crystalline State Transformation of 2,2':6',2-Terpyridine: Visualization and Seed Effect
Masaaki Yokota, Atsushi Ito, Norihito Doki
Crystallization, Polymorphism, Solid-State Transformation, Terpyridine
Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science,
Vol.5 No.4,
ABSTRACT: We have succeeded in causing reversible polymorphic transformation of 2,2':6',2"-terpyridine (terpy). By contacting a template terpy crystal with the target crystal, reversible orthorhombic-to-monoclinic transformation occurred directly without via melting state. The transformation process is successfully visualized and it is found that the template crystal influences the transition temperature itself.
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