Reconstruction of Scrotal and Perineal Defects in Fournier’s Gangrene
Hakim Chabak, Amine Rafik, Mohammed Ezzoubi, Mounia Diouri, Naïma Bahechar, Abdessamad Chlihi
Fournier’s Gangrene, Scrotal and Perineal, Flap, Scrotal Advancement
Modern Plastic Surgery,
Vol.5 No.3,
ABSTRACT: Fournier’s gangrene described in 1883 by Jean Alfred Fournier, still
poses ethiopathogenic, evolutive and therapeutic problems. This is a
therapeutic emergency; early diagnosis, medical and surgical treatments contribute
to reducing mortality rate. Tissue defect engendered by infection and/or by its
excision requires morphological and functional reconstruction. The choice of
the reconstruction technique depends on several parameters: early or delayed
coverage, the size of the defect, the local capital skin and the patient’s
general condition. Through this study involving 95 cases of scrotal and
perineal gangrene treated at the National Center of Burns and Plastic Surgery of
Ibn Rochd University Hospital of Casablanca over a period of 10 years
(2004-2014), we report our approach in the surgical management of defect
secondary to Fournier’s gangrene.