2DGE-coomassie brilliant blue staining used to differentiate pasteurized milk from reconstituted milk
Yajun Wu, Ying Chen, Bin Wang, Haiyan Wang, Fei Yuan, Guiming Zhao
2DGE; Coomassie Brilliant Blue; Pasteurized Milk; Reconstituted Milk
Vol.1 No.3,
ABSTRACT: Differentiating pasteurized milk and reconsti-tuted milk by scientific approach was necessary to defend consumer from economic fraud of wrong labeling. In this paper 2DGE (2 Dimen-sional Gel Electrophoresis)-coomassie brilliant blue staining method was employed and sig-nificant color intensity changing was observed among raw milk, pasteurized milk, UHT milk and reconstituted milk. For example, the intensity of 10 protein spots including casein and lac-toglobulin reduced more than two folds from pasteurized milk to reconstituted milk. However, DIGE (Differential Gel Electrophoresis) assay showed that the majority protein remained simi-lar level from pasteurized milk to reconstituted milk. Therefore the color fading of coomassie brilliant blue stained 2D gels may be due to other biochemical reaction, such as Maillard reaction, instead of protein degradation. Stability of 2DGE pattern was confirmed by running six gels of the same sample in parallel and software analysis showed that all proteins were at similar level. Two commercialized pasteurized milk samples and one reconstituted milk sample were tested by 2DGE-coomassie blue staining method and re-constituted milk could be easily identified.