The Analysis of Process Accidents Due to Risks in the Petrochemical Industries— The Case Study of Radiation Intensity Determination Proportional to Distance from Tank Level
Mehrzad Ebrahemzadih, Afshin Maleki, Ebrahim Darvishi, Mehdi Meimanat Abadi, Saeed Dehestaniathar
Process Accidents, Pool Fire, Fire Safety
Open Journal of Safety Science and Technology,
Vol.5 No.2,
ABSTRACT: Today, one of the basic methods in engaging the decision making of senior managers for securing the organizations regarding assessing risks that the industries face, is the analysis of outcomes of processing accidents. The development of process industries is always associated with an increased risk of accidents. Therefore, paying attention to this case is a priority for the safety units in the oil refineries and petrochemical plants. The aim of this study was to investigate safe distance between the storage tanks of gasoline tanks in the petrochemicals of South Pars Region; comparisons to the American petroleum institute were studied. The maximum of length of flame and the ratio of length to radius of flame were measured 20 m and 2.6 m respectively. If occurrence of leakage and pool fire in one of these tanks, the maximum intensity of thermal radiation was equal to 13.7kw/m2. Hence, there is a possibility to control of fire at a distance of 15 meters from the tanks to heat radiation due to a pool fire, thereby, domino effect does not occur in the event of fire.. The fire is controllable but in case of leakages aggregation and creation of flammable ponds around these tanks, the gathered radiator intensities have immediate explosion potential in the tanks. So, it is proposed, besides increasing the distance between the storage tanks, other measures like quality and safety inspection planning of the connections and controlling instruments of the tanks, inspection of the fire lighting equipment like hydrants, monitors, fire hose reels are done and performance of reaction maneuvers in emergency conditions can take place and be documented and planned.