On Chebyshev Array Design Using Particle Swarm Optimization
Mohammed H. Bataineh
Optimization, PSO, Linear Antenna Arrays, Chebyshev Radiation Pattern
Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications,
Vol.3 No.6,
ABSTRACT: In this paper, the evolutionary algorithm of particle swarm optimization (PSO) is applied to synthesis an optimal linear array in the Chebychev sense. Equiripple radiation patterns may be obtained by synthesizing the excitation currents feeding the array or by carefully choosing the interelement spacing. The desired equal side lobes level is achieved simultaneously with the narrowest possible beamwidth (high directivity). Though the optimization problem may become nonlinear, convex and/or sometimes nonconvex, it can be handled using an efficient, a robust and a nongradient based particle swarm optimizer algorithm. In order to effectively utilize this algorithm it is important to define an appropriate objective, or cost, function that return a single number to enable the PSO algorithm minimizing it. In this paper, the objective function is formulated taking into consideration the level of the side lobes as well as the main beam width. In addition to satisfy the objective function, the obtained results using the proposed technique are in agreement with those available in the literature.