Microbiological Pollution Indication as Tracer for the Pollution of Well Water: The Example of the District of Abomey-Calavi (Benin)
Parfait Sagnon Hounsinou, Daouda Mama, Micheline Agassounon Djikpo Tchibozo, Moussa Boukari, Dominique Sohounhloue
Resources in Water, Microbiological Contamination, Total Coliforms, Coliforms Thermotolerants, Enterrococcis
Journal of Environmental Protection,
Vol.6 No.4,
ABSTRACT: Water is
indispensable at life. Resources in waters of the township of Abomey-Calavi are
of national importance. The township of Abomey-Calavi is very close to the
biggest plan of water Beninese lagoon: The Nokoué lake. Besides, not only the
waters of the ground water are consumed by the majority of the population from
the traditional well, but also, the underground waters of the terminal
continnental of the township of Abomey-Calavi are exploited intensely by the
Society Nationnale of the Waters of Benin (SONEB) to nourish in drinking water in
the townships of Abomey-Calavi, of Cotonou the biggest city of the country and
Sèmè. The microbiological parameter followup (total coliforms, coliforms
thermotolerants and enterrococcis) to the level of many traditional well and
deep boring and some different points of Nokoué lake were the object of a
treatment of data by the establishment of card of fecal contamination of waters
natural of the region, that informs us on the quality of waters by the slant of
a microbiological quality indication that calculates itself according to the
method of Bovesse and Depelchin (1980). The survey of the microbiological
contamination indication, succeeds to the establishment of seasonal cards of
quality of waters.