Classical Chaos on Double Nonlinear Resonances in Diatomic Molecules
G. V. López, A. P. Mercado
Classical Chaos, Double Resonace, Nonlinear Dynamics, Diatomic Molecules
Journal of Modern Physics,
Vol.6 No.4,
ABSTRACT: Classical
chaotic behavior in diatomic molecules is studied when chaos is driven by a
circularly polarized resonant electric field and expanding up to fourth order
of approximation the Morse’s potential and angular momentum of the system. On
this double resonant system, we find a weak and a strong stationary (or
critical) points where the chaotic characteristics are different with respect to
the initial conditions of the system. Chaotic behavior around the weak critical
point appears at much weaker intensity on the electric field than the electric
field needed for the chaotic behavior around the strong critical point. This
classical chaotic behavior is determined through Lyapunov exponent, separation
of two nearby trajectories, and Fourier transformation of the time evolution of
the system. The threshold of the amplitude of the electric field for appearing
the chaotic behavior near each critical point is different and is found for
several molecules.