Which One of Standardization or Customization Works the Best When It Comes to Online Marketing?
Ashraf Hossain, Rashad Yazdanifard
Online Marketing, Standardization, Customization, Consumers, Products, Advertisements
American Journal of Industrial and Business Management,
Vol.5 No.2,
ABSTRACT: Online marketing has influenced the consumers all around the world. This opens up a way for the small enterprises to enter the international market and enjoy the benefits like the MNCs located in different parts of the world. Advertising products and manipulating the customers to buy is one of the techniques used by the international companies. As a result some companies take standardization as an incentive to attract customers while some use customization or personalization to manipulate them. This as a result that has created a debate between different marketers to choose a beneficial way to satisfy by attracting different customers. This article focuses on various problems which marketers face in terms of online retailing as well as different obstacles encountered by consumers while making buying decisions for standardized or customized products through online Medium (Internet).