Huge Broad Ligament Leiomyoma: A Case Report
Fatima Bakari, Hajaratu U. Sulayman, Solomon Avidime, Nkeirukah Ameh, Adebiyi G. Adesiyun
Broad Ligament, Leiomyoma, Myomectomy
Case Reports in Clinical Medicine,
Vol.4 No.2,
The broad ligament is the commonest extra uterine site for the occurrence of leiomyoma but with a very low incidence rate. Because of its overall low incidence rate, it poses both clinical and radiological difficulty in differentiating with an ovarian tumour. We report a case of a 31-year-old unmarried nullipara (para 0 + 0) who presented with 12-month history of progressive abdominal swelling, three-month history of pelvic pain and one-month history of prolonged heavy menstrual flow. Examination of the abdomen showed a 36-week-size mass which was multi-lobulated, firm, non tender and slightly mobile extending to the xyphisternum. On abdominal ultrasonography scan, the uterus was deviated to the contra lateral side with a huge, irregular mass measuring 24 × 18 cm posterior to the uterus. She had laparotomy and four fibroid seedlings were removed. The largest was a broad ligament myoma which measured 24 × 17 × 12 cm and weighed 3883 g.