Assessment of Ice Volume Changes in the Cryosphere via Simplified Heat Transport Model
T. V. Hromadka II, H. D. McInvale, M. Phillips, B. Espinosa
Global Climate Change, Cryosphere, Phase Change, Cumulative Departure Method
American Journal of Climate Change,
Vol.3 No.5,
ABSTRACT: In order
to describe changes in ice volume in the cryosphere, a differential equation
mathematical model is used in this paper. The dominating effects of freezing
and thawing in the cryosphere enable simplification of the heat transport
equations. This results in a mathematical model that can be solved exactly and
is useful in investigating other climatic components, which in turn may be
similarly analyzed for possible Global Circulation Model (GCM) validation. Data
forms representing temperature and ice volume during the Pleistocene are
available and can be directly compared with the exact solution of the
simplified differential equation used in this paper. The model parameters may
then be adjusted to approximate the effects of climate change; the adjusted
model then run in reverse time, to develop an alternative history of ice volume
of the cryosphere to be compared with the actual data interpretations
previously published in the literature. In this fashion, an assessment may be
made as to possible climate impacts in the cryosphere.